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❶ (骄傲) proud;arrogant;conceited: 胜不 ~,败不馁 not be dizzy with success,nor discouraged by failure
❷ [书] (猛烈) strong;fierce: ~ 阳 blazing sun
◆骄傲 arrogant;conceited;be too big for one's shoes [boots];be cocky;have a big head;be proud;take pride in;
骄傲必败 Pride will have [cause] a fall.;
骄傲矜夸 haughty and boastful;
骄傲自大 arrogant;be bloated with pride;feel high and mighty;get [have] a swelled head;(One's heart was) swelling with pride.;
骄傲自满 be big [inflated] with pride;be complacent;be conceited and complacent;
骄兵必败 The self-conceited troops are destined to fail [failure].;Proud troops will certainly be beaten.;
骄横 arrogant and imperious;overbearing;insufferably arrogant;
骄横不法 presumptuous and unlawful;
骄横跋扈 throw one's weight around;overbearing and unbridled;lordly and imperious;
骄横一世 be overbearing [overweening] for a time;be arrogant and imperious for a time;
骄矜 [书] self-important;proud;haughty;
骄矜自持 assume a superior air;
骄矜自负 be proud and conceited;
骄气 overbearing airs;arrogance;conceit;
骄奢淫逸[佚] lead a luxurious and dissipated life;an arrogant,dissolute,and sinful mode of life;proud,wasteful,and licentious;be rolling in luxury;lead a life of luxury and debauchery;
骄阳 [书] blazing sun;
骄阳似火 the sun blazing like a ball of fire;scorching sun;The sun is a ball of fire in the clear sky.;The sun is shining fiercely.;
骄则必败 Pride surely leads to ruin.;
骄者必败 Pride will have [cause] a fall.;A proud person often fails in his undertaking.;Pride goes before destruction [a fall].;骄纵 arrogant and wilful [wild];proud and ungovernable






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更新时间:2025/3/3 7:14:44