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❶ (用粗野或恶意的话侮辱人) call names; abuse; curse: 把他 ~ 走 swear him away; 他老爱 ~ 人。 He was always abusing people. 她一阵歇斯底里发作, ~ 了他几句。 She had a fit of hysterics and called him some bad names.
❷ (斥责) scold; condemn; rebuke: 责 ~ reprove; scold; 大 ~ 敌人 strongly condemn the enemy; 不要 ~ 他, 这不是他的错。 Don't scold him; it is not his fault.
◆骂不绝口 rail incessantly; curse unceasingly; not to cease to rail at ...; pour out torrents of abuse (on sb.); revile without ceasing; 骂街 shout abuses in the street; call people names in public; curse without naming names; 骂骂咧咧 intersperse one's talk with curses; be foul-mouthed; 骂名 bad name; ill name; infamy; 骂人 abuse; call one names; give a bad name to sb.; revile a person; swear at; mutter insults against; 骂人话 abuse; a word of abuse; abusive language; swearword; curse

❶abuse; curse; swear; call names
❷chide;reproach; scold
这篇文章不专门~人,还讲点好话。The article includes not only invective but a good word here and there./被他们~了20年have been cursed for 20 years/让他们~ allow them to rail at us/臭~一顿give sb a good dressing down/~人文章vicious article/~不倒…no amount of abuse can controvert…/~得无理,我们反驳;~得有理,我们接受refute their nonsense and accept what makes sense in their rebukes/~几句use a few words of condemnation/~街shout abuse in the street; swear in public/~娘abuse sb every day/~人take sb to task





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