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单词 骄奢淫逸

骄奢淫逸jiāo shē yín yì

lordly,luxurious,loose and idle; luxurious and licentious; arrogance,extravagance,lewdness and dissipation; sybaritic;voluptuary; voluptuous; wallow (/roll) in luxury and pleasure (/dissipation)
❍ 必是后辈儿孙~,暴殄天物,以致閤府抄检。(《红楼梦》1366) But some of the Jia descendants must have offended Heaven by their arrogance and dissipation; thus our family has been raided,its property confiscated.
❍ 骄、奢、淫、逸,所自邪也。(《左传·隐三年》) There are pride ,extra vagance,lewdness and dissipation,by which one depraves himself.
❍ 我时刻都在想着他当皇上时那~的过去,因而不能抑制看到眼前这种情景的惊奇。(叶华《幻想和现实》) I could not help thinking all the time back to his imperial past which had been unbelievably decadent,and my amazement grew all the while.

骄奢淫逸jiao she yin yi

lordly,luxury-loving,loose-living and idle


indulge in extravagance and dissipation (or wastefulness); wallow in arrogance and extravagance

骄奢淫逸jiāo shē yín yì

骄:放纵;奢:奢侈;淫:荒淫;逸:放荡。放纵自己,生活奢侈,荒淫无度。extravagant and arrogant, wallowing in laxury and pleasure, be rolling in luxury





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