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单词 answer
answer/′ɑ:nsə(r), AmE ′æn-/ nv [-ing /rɪ ŋ/]

n(1)回答,答复(thing saidwritten or done as a reply or reaction)[C;U(in~)][N(to)]:give/make/have a quick (definite)~ 给予/作出/得到迅速(肯定)的回答;I telephoned yesterday,but there was no~.我昨天打电话了,但没有人接。His only~to Henry's kick/Henry's criticism was an angry look.亨利踢他/批评他,他只报以怒视。give an~to a question 对一提问作答;have an~to one's letter 收到回信;in~to sb's shouts/sb's call听到某人喊声/电话就……;In~to the question,he just shook his head.对那提问他只是摇摇头。in~to sb's threat/sb's letter作为对某人的威胁/信件的回答;give sb a stare in~凝视某人而不作答;〖同〗reply,response;〖反〗question,call;

(2)答案,解决办法(solution or the result to a problemdifficultyetc)[C][N(to)]:find an~to a problem/a question/a puzzle/a riddle 找到一个问题/疑问/难题/谜语的答案;The~to your transport difficulties is to buy a car.解决你的交通困难的办法是买辆车子。The~to 10×10 is 100.10乘10的答数为100。〖同〗solution;

v(1)回答,答复(saywrite or do sth in reply)[IT+nT+thatD+n+n]:Why didn't he~? 他为什么不回答? He called for help,but nobody~ed (to his call).他呼救,但无人应答。“Did he come?” “No,”she~ed.“他来了?”“没有。”她回答道。~a question/the teacher 回答一个问题/老师(的问话);~nothing不回答;~a letter/an invitation 回一封信/回复一个邀请;~the door/the doorbell/the telephone 应声去开门/应(门)铃声去开门/接电话;~sb's threat with a blow 以一拳回敬某人的威胁;Her prayers have been~ed.她的祈祷应验了。He~ed that he knew nothing about it/the price would be 10 pounds.他回答说他对此一无所知/价钱是10英镑。~the teacher a question/a word 回答老师一个问题/一句话;He~ed us never a word.他从不给我们一个字的答复。I was~ed nothing.我没有得到任何答复。A~me this.回答我这个问题。〖同〗reply,respond;〖反〗ask,question,call;

(2)适合,符合(be suitable for;serve the purpose)[II+prep(for),T+n]:If a pen is not available,a hard pencil may~.如果弄不到钢笔,硬芯铅笔也行。This tool will~(for our needs) very well.这工具会很适合(我们的需要)。This flat rock will~(our needs) for a table.这块平平的岩石会适合(我们的需要)当作桌子。This will~my purpose/my requirements/my needs.这符合我的目的/要求/需要。His qualifications~the requirements of the job.他的资历符合这个工作的要求。〖同〗suit,meet;〖反〗differ;

(3)相符(当)(be the same as described in;equal;fit)[I+prep(to),T+n]:The photograph/He~s (to) the description of the wanted man.这照片/他和所描述的通缉犯相符。The police have found a man~ing (to) that description.警察已找到一个符合那描述的人。a car~ing (to) this description 符合这一描述的车子;

answer back (v adv)顶嘴(vt & vi):The rude boy always~s (his mother) back. 这粗鲁的孩子总是(跟他妈妈)顶嘴。

answer for (v prep)对……负责;对……承担责任;替……担保(vt):~(to sb) for Tom's safety(向某人)对汤姆的安全负责;I'll~to God alone for my deed.对我的行为我只向上帝负责。~for the truth of what sb said/sb's honesty/sb's loyalty/sb 担保某人所言的真实性/某人的诚实/某人的忠诚/某人;~for one's violent behaviour/one's rudeness/one's mistakes/one's action/one's crime/one's wrong doing one day终有一天要对自己的粗暴行为/粗鲁/错误/行为/罪行/恶行负责的;

→′answerable adj 可答复的;对……负有责任的;′answerphone n 录音电话;

【辨异】 动词answerreplyrespond都可表示答复之意。answer为最常用语,如:answer a letter(回信);reply为正式用语,指经过考虑后的较正式的答复,如:reply to a letter(给一封信以答复);respond为正式用语,指对呼吁、劝告等的回答,内容往往是所期望的,如:respond to a letter with a phone call(用电话回复一封信)。这三个字都可接宾语从句、直接引语,也都可不接任何宾语,但仅answer可接名词宾语。这些动词的名词形式(answer reply response)之间的区别同动词。





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