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单词 纵横驰骋

纵横驰骋zòng héng chí chěng

[of an army] move about freely and quickly;sweep through (/over)the length and width (/breadth)of
❍ 正在这时,他看见李自成已经杀败了马科和几员大将,在战场上~,所向无敌。于是他留下一部分人马继续围攻刘宗敏,亲率手下一部分精锐将士和洪承畴派来的两千名生力军去包围闯王。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—204) When he saw that Li Zicheng had routed Ma Ke and others of his generals and wascharging this way and that without serious opposi tion,he left part of his force to continue to harrass Liu Zongmin while he himself led picked troops,together with two thousand reinforcements sent by Hong Chengchou,to encircle Prince Valiant.
❍ 亿万人民向科学技术现代化大进军,几百路、几千路纵队的专业科学技术作者,正在广阔的道路上~。Several hundred million people are now marching towards the modernization of science and technology and thou sands and thousands of contingents of professional scientific and technical workers are sweeping forward without hindrance.
❍ 第五次反“围剿”进行两个月之后,当福建事变出现之时,红军主力无疑地应该突进到以浙江为中心的苏浙皖赣地区去,~于杭州、苏州、南京、芜湖、南昌、 福州之间,将战略防御转变为战略进攻, 威胁敌人之根本重地、向广大无堡垒地带寻求作战。(《毛泽东选集》219) At the time of the Fujian Incident,two months after the commencement of our fifth counter-cam paign,the main forces of the Red Army should undoubtedly have thrust into the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Anhui-Jiangxi region,with Zhejiang as the centre,and swept over the length and breadth of the area between Hangzhou,Suzhou,Nanjing,Wuhu,Nan chang and Fuzhou,turning our strategic defensive into a strategic offensive,menacing the enemy’s vital centres and seeking battles in the vast areas where there were no blockhouses.

纵横驰骋zònɡ hénɡ chí chěnɡ

纵横:奔驰无阻;驰骋:驰马疾驰。形容四处奔跑,没有阻挡;也形容战斗勇敢,所向无敌。move about freely and quickly, have a free play, dash here and there freely, maneuver freely





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