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单词 anticipate
anticipate/ æn′tɪsɪpeɪt/ vt [-d,-d / ɪd/,-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

(1)预料(期)(foreseeexpect or consider in advance)[T+nT+thatT+-ing]:~trouble/difficulties/disaster预料会有麻烦/困难/灾难;~success/a lot of snow this winter/sb's arrival at four预料会成功/今冬雪多/某人4点到;We hadn't~d so many guests/much pleasure.我们没料到会来这么多客人/会这么快乐。Prices rose faster than~d.物价上涨的速度超出预料。~meeting much trouble/meeting a lot of opposition/having more customers 预料会遇到麻烦/会遭到许多人反对/会有许多顾客;~that there will be much trouble/more food will be taken from the oceans 预料会有许多麻烦/更多的食物将取自大洋;〖同〗expect,foresee,predict;

(2)预先行动(准备)(see sth in advance and act as necessary)[T+nT+thatT+wh]:~sb's needs/the enemy's move提前准备好某人所需/应付敌人的行动;~sb's visit by buying plenty of food 买大量食物准备某人来访;A~ing that the enemy would attack at dawn/it would soon be dark,they made preparations accordingly. 敌人将在黎明时进攻/天很快就要黑下来,对此他们做了相应的准备。~what the customers will want/where the enemy will try to cross 对顾客将需要什么/敌人将试图在哪里穿过而做好事先准备;

(3)抢先做,先下手(do sth before (sb else))[T+nT+-ing](fml):When they reached their destination,they found that the Germans had~d them.他们到达目的地时发现德国人已在他们之前到达。The great inventor was~d by several predecessors.在这位伟大的发明家之前已有多位先辈。~the enemy and seize the bridge/one's colleague and explained one's reasons 抢在敌人之先占领大桥/同事之先解释自己的理由;~one's competitors by delivering one's goods first/sb's (making a) complaint by writing a full report抢在对手之前先发货/某人投诉之前写一份全面的报告;

(4)提前使用(处理)(deal with or use (sth) in advance)[T+nT+-ing](fml):~one's income/earnings 寅吃卯粮;try to~trouble尽力提前应付麻烦;

(5)过早说(写)出(say or write sth before the right time for it)[T+nT+thatT+whI]:In his book he~s a Utopia ruled by an elite.他在书中预言一个由精英治理的乌托邦。The story has a sad ending but I won't~.这故事的结局悲哀,但我不想提前说出。

→ an͵tici′pation n 预料(期);预先行动(准备);an͵tici′patory adj 预期的; 预先做(发生)的;过早做(发生)的;






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