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单词 angle
angle/′æ ŋɡl/ nv [-d,-d /d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n(1)角(space between two straight lines or surfaces that meet)[C]:A~of 90° is called a right~. 90度角称为直角。the base~s of a triangle 三角形的两个底角;an acute/obtuse~锐/钝角;lean at an~成一定角度倾斜;This road joins that one at an~of 45 degrees.这条路与那条路成45度相交。

(2)角(落),隅(corner)[C](infml):hit one's knee against the~of a bed膝盖撞在床角上;a sharp~in the road 道路的急转弯处;the~of a boat bow 船头的内角;The road makes a sharp~just over that hill.这条路翻过那座山就急转弯了。〖同〗bend,corner,edge;

(3)观点,角度(point of view)[C]:look at all problems only from one's own selfish~只从个人自私的角度看一切问题;Try looking at the thing from another/a different~.换一个角度看这件事。from a journalist's~从记者的角度;I'm afraid I can't see it from your~.恐怕我不能从你的角度看这件事。What's your~on this matter? 你是怎么看这事的?〖同〗viewpoint,standpoint;

(4)视角,角度(placepositionor direction from which an object is presented to view)[C]:The view of the valley is beautiful from this~.从这个角度看,这山谷的景致很美。peer at sth from all~s 从各个角度凝视某物;a handsome building from any~无论从哪个角度看都很漂亮的建筑;

→′angular adj有尖角的;削瘦的;执拗(不灵活)的;用角测量的;͵angu′larity n 尖锐;消瘦;执拗;

vt(1)按一定角度摆放(direct or point sth at an angle)[T+n]:~a camera for a more interesting picture 摆好相机的角度以得到更有趣的照片;~a camera up towards the ceiling 使照相机仰着对向天棚;

(2)从某一角度提出(represent sth from a particular point of view or appeal to a certain group)[T+nT+n+prep(at/toward/to)]:~a report (a programme) at young people/to suit young people 针对年轻人作一个报告(制作节目);~one's speech towards the old people 针对老年人讲话;~the whole thing towards amusement一切以娱乐为目标;

(3)改变方向(turn sharply in a different direction)[I]:He~d sharply to the left.他向左急转弯。The road~s to the left/through a meadow.路拐向左边/拐弯穿过草地。





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