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单词 annoy
annoy/ ə′nɔ ɪ/ vt

(1)使生气(不快)(cause slight anger to sb)[T+n]:His savage attacks upon the writer~ed even his admirers.他对那位作家的粗暴攻击使他的崇拜者都生气了。be (get)~ed by the children's laughter/the persistent barking of a dog/the frequent interruptions from the audience 被孩子们的笑声/不断的狗叫声/听众不停的插嘴所惹恼;be (get)~ed about the damage to one's car/the bad weather/the bus conductor 因车子受损/天气不好/那公共汽车乘务员而生气;be (get)~ed at the bad weather/sb's rudeness/sb's arriving late/one's mistakes 对坏天气/某人的粗鲁/某人迟到/自己的错误感到恼火;be(get)~ed with sb about his carelessness/for what he has done 因某人粗心大意/所做的事而生某人的气;be (get)~ed that sb took away one's dictionary/sb forgot to phone 因某人拿走了自己的字典/某人忘了打电话来而生气;be (get)~ed to find that sb had left without one 发现某人没带自己独自走了而生气;look~ed 显出生气的样子;an~ed frown 生气地皱眉;

(2)招惹,烦(骚)扰,使人烦恼(cause trouble or discomfort to sbesp by certain repeated acts)[T+n]:The flies/mosquitoes/noise~ed me so much that I couldn't sleep.苍蝇/蚊子/嘈杂声烦扰得我无法入睡。Please go away and stop~ing me. 请走开,不要烦我了。Crocodiles are in trouble when they~elephants.鳄鱼惹着大象就有麻烦了。~sb by asking for sth all day 整天要……使某人心烦;〖同〗bother,worry,disturb,trouble;〖反〗please;

→ an′noyance n 生气;烦(骚)扰;令人生气(烦恼)的东西;an′noying adj 令人生气(烦恼)的;

【用法】be annoyed 后接by时,一般视annoyed为动词的ed分词,by引出行为主体;后接with,about,at等时,一般视annoyed为形容词,此时with接表人名词,about接所发生的事(口语中也可接表人名词),at接造成不快的事由。

【辨异】annoybotherworry都表示使人心境不舒适,不安宁。bother指(当某人正在做某事时)“打扰”,如:Don't bother him.(别打扰他。)annoy则是不断地打扰某人使之烦恼、生气;worry是使人不安、忧虑,无打扰之意,如:worry one's parents(使父母不安);还有harass,是指长期不断地使人非常不安、忧虑、烦恼,如:Cares of office harass a president.(操心公务使总统终日不宁。)





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