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单词 school


n. 1
1. university大学。
△As.1.1.5:“My brother Jaqueshe keeps at school,”i. e. he maintains him at the uni-versity. 他供给我的二哥杰奎斯上了大学。
2. schooling,learning学识,学问。
△L.L.L.5.2.71:“the help of school,”学问的支持。
school of night: probably alluding to the “school ofatheism”. a coterie of intellectuals headed by SirWalter Raleigh,who were accused of discussing vari-ous forbidden topics(Another emendation: “Scowl ofnight”.) 黑夜的学校,或指当时以罗利爵士为首的一个知识分子集团,他们曾被指控讨论过种种违禁的论题,因此被称为“无神论学校”。(另一种译文:“黑夜的阴沉。”)
△L.L.L.4.3.254 (250): “Black is the badge ofhell,/ The hue of dungeons,and the school ofnight;”黑色是地狱的标志,囚牢的颜色,黑夜的学校(又译:深夜的阴沉)。
set ... to school: teach,instruct 教,指导。
△3H.VI.3.2.193:“And set the murderous Machiavel to school.” i.e. teach Machiavelli himself about murder and ruth-lessness. 我能教给凶狠的马基雅维利如何无情地杀人。


n. 2 (lit.) shoal of fish; large number,multitude(本义)鱼群;(转指)许多,大群。
△2H.IV.4.3.20 (18): “Ihave a whole school of tongues in this belly of mine,and not a tongue of them all speaks any other wordbut my name.”我这个肚子里装有一大堆舌头,它们当中每一条舌头除了说我的名字以外,再不说别的什么。


1. teach教导。
△Shr.4.4.9:“’Twere good he wereschooled.”你最好对他教导一番。
2. instruct,admonish,set to rights指导,告诫,纠正。
△1H.IV.3.1.189(188): “Well,I am schooled.”好,我领教了。
3. control,discipline控制,训导。
△Mac.4.2.14:“Mydearest coz. / I pray you school yourself.”我最亲爱的表姊妹,我请你克制一下。


◇at school在学校读书
attend to school上学
create a new school of fiction创立新的小说流派
in school求学,在学校
leave school毕业离校
teach school教书
‖ Academic School学院派
art for art School为艺术而艺术流派
art school美术学校
Ashcan School垃圾箱画派
Barbizon School巴比松画派
board school 寄宿学校
Bolognese School波仑亚画派
Brescian School布雷沙画派
British School英国画派
Bruges School布鲁日画派
Cologne School科隆画派
Corbie School科比画派
Dutch School荷兰画派
Eclectic School折中画派
English School英国画派
finish school完成学业
Flemish School佛兰德斯画派
Florentine School佛罗伦萨画派
Fontainebleau School枫丹白露画派
French School法国画派
German School德国画派
Glasgow School格拉斯哥画派
graduate school研究生院
Hague School海牙画派
industrial school工艺学校
Milanese School米兰画派
Moscow School莫斯科画派
Neapolitan School那不勒斯画派
new school新派
new school of painting新绘画派
New York School纽约画派
Paris School巴黎画派
Pasitelean School帕西特列斯画派
Peloponnesian School伯罗奔尼撒画派
primary school小学
prominent school贵族学校
Realist School现实主义流派
Rhenish School莱茵风格
Roman School古罗马画派
Romantic School浪漫画派
school administration committee校务委员会
school administration校务行政化
school affairs校务
school age学龄
school age child学龄儿童
school age population学龄人口,学龄儿童
school aid学龄儿童入学补助费
school aide教学辅助人员
school allowance学校津贴
school alphabet book学生花名册
school amenities index小学学习环境指标
school art education学校美育
school assessment成绩评定
school atlas教学地图
school attendance就学
school attendance officer督学官员
school attitude学校态度
school badge校徽
school bag书包
school base学校基地
schoolbased curriculum development学校本位课程发展,校基课程开发
school-based examination校内考试
schoolbased teaching materials本校教材
school board校务委员会,校董事会,教育委员会
school bond学校公债
school book教科书
schoolbook check教科书检定
school boycott拒不入学,罢课
school boycott罢课
school broadcast教学广播
school budget学校预算
school building校舍
school building area per student生均校舍面积
school bulletin校刊
school bus校车
school calendar校历
school census学龄儿童调查
school certificate学历证明书
school child学童
school clerk总务人员
school climate学校风气
school club学校俱乐部
school cluster联合学校
school code校规
school collective学校集体
school commission学校委员会
school commissioner学校督学
school community学校共同体
school compound校园
school constitution学校章程
school council校务委员会,学生会
school court学生法庭
school culture学校文化
school curriculum development committee学校课程发展委员会
school day教学日
school days学生时代
school debenture学校债券
school development fund校务发展基金
school discipline学校纪律,校规
school discipline and guidance训辅工作
school disease学校病
school district学区
school district library学区图书馆
school district system学区制
school diving教学跳水
school doctor校医
school dormitory学校宿舍
school edition学生版
school educational evaluation学校教育评价
school enrollment 入学人数
school-entering proportion of school age population学龄人口入学率
school entrance入学制度
school enumeration 学龄儿童调查
school-environmental facilities校园环境设施
school equipment校园设备,学校设备
school evaluation学校评价
school exercise教学用练习
school exhibition学校展览会
school experience见习,教学观摩
school facility remodel校园设施整建
school facility refurbishment校园设施整建
school-factory articulation厂校挂钩
school failure不及格
school fee学费
school feeding学校供膳
school fellowship学校联谊会
school figure规定图形
school for chief’s sons族学校
school for children of workers & staff members(职工)子弟学校
school for kindergarten teachers师范学校
school for learning disabilities特殊学校
school for nationalities 民族学校
school for the blind (blindmen) school盲人学校
school fund学校基金
school governors学校主管
school health service学校卫生服务
school holidays假期
school hygiene学校卫生学
school inadequate适应不良学生
school innovation学校革新
school inspector督学
school is over放学
school jointly run by military and civil authorities军地联合办学
school keeper学校勤工人员
school layout学校布局
school leaver毕业生
school leavers知青
school leaving age离校年龄
school leaving assessment毕业评定
school leaving certificate中学毕业证书
school lecture讲课
school library学校图书馆
school lunch学校午餐
school lunch programs学校供餐制
school manager学校管理人员
school manual学校手册
school map教学地图
school mapping学校规划
school mates学友
school mate同窗
school meal学校供膳食
school medical officer校医
school motto校训
school museum学校博物馆
school noncompletion肄业
school nurses校护
school observation教育见习
School of aesthetes唯美派
school of ambulant巡回展览画派
School of Art文学院
school of art艺术流派
School of Athens雅典学派
school of behavior audit行为审计学派
school of comparative jurisprudence比较法学派
School of Copenhagen哥本哈根学派
school of deaf-mutes聋哑学校
school of design设计学校
school of education教育学校,教育学院
School of Elis伊利斯学派
School of Eretria埃雷特里亚学派
school of industry工业学校
School of Megara麦加拉学派
School of Mind心学
school of overseas Chinese华侨学校
school of painting绘画学派
school of Romanists罗马法学派
School of St. Louis圣路易斯学派
school of technology技工学校
school of the air广播学校
school of thought学派,思想学派
school opens开学
school organization学校组织
school party 学校师生访问团
school passage学生旅费
school passage allowance学生旅费津贴
school passage allowance account学生旅费津贴账户
school passage point学生旅费积点
school passage tour学生旅费旅程
school phobia学校恐惧症,恐校病
school physical education学校体育
school placement学额,特殊学生选修学科
school plane教练机
school population就学人口,教育人口
school practice教学实习
school program课程
school providing general education普通学校教育
school psychological services学校心理服务
school psychologist学校心理学家
school psychology学校心理学
school publications校刊
school readiness入学准备
school recommendation学校推荐
school record学生档案,学生记录
school refusal逃学
school refuser拒不入学者
school region学区
school regulation学校规章,校规
school report学生成绩报告单
school roll学生名册
school routine学校秩序
school rules校规
school run by the factory厂办学校
school run enterprises校办企业
school session学校上课期间
school social work学校社会工作
School Spanish西班牙画派
school staff教职员
school statistics学校统计
school supplies学校用品
school system学制
school system of different countries各国学制
school tax教育税
school teacher fellowship教师研究会,学校教师研究员职位
school technology学校工艺学
school television教学电视
school textbook中小学教科书
school time上课时间
school transcript学生成绩单
school uniform校服
school viewer学校观众
school visit见习
school welfare officer学校后勤人员
school without walls无墙学校
school work学校作业,家庭作业
school yard校园,运动场
school year学年teach school教书
secondary school中学
Venetian School威尼斯画派
school-supervised teaching由实习的学校教师指导的教学实习
schools council学校顾问团
schools council for curriculum and examination学校课程与考试理事会
schools fellowship学校给予的研究员职位
schools for noblemen贵族学校
schools of aboriginal areas原住民地区学校
schools of educational theory教育流派
schools of industry工读学校
schools of literature文学流派
schools on interior design室内设计流派
schools-of-studies structure 学 院结构制
school’s record校纪录
schooling for all全民教育
schooling record学历
schooling structure学历结构
schoolfellow n. 同学,校友
school-leaver n. 中途辍学者
schoolman n.学校教师,教授,经院哲学家,烦琐哲学家
schoolmaster n. 教师,校长
schoolmate n. 同学
schoolroom n.教室
scholarch[ˈskɔlɑ:k]n. 学校校长
scholarly adj.学者气质的,学者风度的
scholarly education学术教育
scholarly journal学术性杂志
scholarly publication学术性出版物
scholarship n. 学识,学问,学术成就
scholarship and grants奖助学金
scholarship committee学术委员会
scholarship examination奖学金考试
scholarship fund奖学金
scholarship on merit学业成绩优良奖学金
scholarship paper高级入学考试
scholarships and fellowship grants 奖学金和研究奖金
scholastic[skəˈlæstik]adj.学校(教育)的,经院的(哲学家)的 n. 经院哲学家,学究,墨守成规者
scholastic acceleration学业速成
scholastic achievement学术成就
scholastic agency学术代理
scholastic aptitude学习能力,学术倾向
scholastic aptitude test学习能力测验
scholastic attainments学术成就,学业成绩
scholastic coach学校体育锻炼
scholastic deficiency学习落后
scholastic method经院哲学的方法
scholastic motivation 学习动机
scholastic movement学术运动
scholastic philosophy经院哲学,烦琐哲学
scholastic problem经院哲学所研究的问题
scholastic sources经院哲学家的原始资料
scholastic theories of law经验法学
scholastic year system学年制
scholasticism n.墨守成规,循规蹈矩,经院哲学
scholiast[ˈskəuliæst]n. 注 释 者
scholium[ˈskəuliəm](pl.scholia)n. 注释,评注





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