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单词 amuse
amuse/ ə′mju:z/ vt [-s / ɪz/; -d,-d /d/; -eing / ɪ ŋ/]

(1)逗趣(乐,笑)(make laugh or smile by giving pleasure) [T+n]:His behaviour/idea~d everybody a lot.他的举动/想法使大家乐不可支。The clown/comedian~d the audience greatly.那小丑/滑稽演员让观众大为开心。~sb very much by antics/telling funny stories 做滑稽动作/讲好笑的故事使某人大为开心;be~ed at the tricks/by the jokes 对那些把戏觉得很好笑/被那些玩笑逗得发笑;be~d to learn sth/to find sb somewhere 得知某事/发现某人在某处觉得很好笑;an~d expression/stare 乐不可支的表情/目光;〖同〗please,cheer,gladden;〖反〗bore,tire;

(2)使消遣(娱乐) (cause time to pass in a pleasant or gay way)[T+n]:~oneself (by)playing with the dog/(by) playing cards/with toys/with adventure stories 逗狗玩/玩牌/玩玩具/看冒险故事自娱;I can~myself for hours just watching the people go by.我可以看行人而消遣好几个小时。How can you~the children on a wet day? 下雨天怎样才能逗孩子们消遣时间?〖同〗entertain;

→ a′musement n 欢愉;娱乐,消遣;娱乐活动;a′musing adj 引人笑的,逗笑的;

【辨异】 amuse entertain 都表示以欢娱吸引人注意而度过时光(“消遣”)。amuse多指轻微的欢娱(如故事、游戏乃至自己的某种想法等,哪怕自以为有趣的内容所引起者);entertain 指以积极的努力,使摆脱单调和无聊而感到欢愉,内容可以是简单的、个人的,也可以是大型公众性聚会或戏院表演。还有divert,指短时间地使人脑子从工作、烦恼、痛苦等严肃的思维中摆脱出来,得到轻松和欢娱。





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