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单词 coat
释义 coat /kaut; Kot/ n 1 long outer garment with sleeves, buttoned in the front. (在前面扣合的有袖的) 共外衣。 → over- ~; rain - ~ at rain' (l turn one's ~, change one's side or principles, desert one army or party and join the other. 改变立场或主义; 背叛甲军或甲党而加入乙军或乙党; 变节; 改宗。 ~ of 'arms, c arms. 】 ~ of 'mail, piece of armour of metal rings or plate for the upper part of the body. (金属圈或片制成保护上身的) 甲胄。→ the illus at armour. 参看 armour 之插图。 →tails n pl divided tapering part of a fail - ~, tail (2). 燕尾服之尾。 2 jacket (1). 夹克。 3 any covering that can be compared to a garment, eg an animal's hair or wool. 被比做衣服之任何覆盖物 (如动物之毛或羊毛) 。 4 layer of paint or other substance put on a surface at one time: 一层 (一次涂于表面的浦漆或其他物质): The woodwork has had its final ~ of paint. 木造部份已经涂过了最后一层油漆。 vt [VP6A, 14] cover with a ~ or layer: 外加一层; 覆以一层: furniture ~ed with dust; ± 面覆一层灰尘的像具; ~ pills with sugar. 将药丸加上精衣。 Tinplate is made by ~ irtg sheets of iron with tin. 择辙皮是在铁皮上镀一层锡制成的。' ~ing n 1 thin layer or covering: 薄层; 薄皮: two ~ings of wax. 两层薄 tto 2 [U] cloth for ~ s (1,2). 外衣料; 夹克料。




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