释义 |
ridvt. 1. free (from),clear (of)使…摆脱,使…清除。 △2H.VI.3.1.233: “This Gloucester should be quickly rid theworld,/ To rid us from the fear we have of him.”这 个葛罗斯特应该赶快除掉,以便消除我们对他的恐惧。 2. deliver使解脱,使摆脱。 △2H.IV.1.2.229 (201):“God send the companion a better prince! I cannotrid my hands of him.”但愿上帝给这个同伴找一个好一点的太子! 我简直摆脱不掉他。 3. do away with,remove by violence除掉。 rid way: clear the way by removing obstacles. i.e.shorten the way,make rapid progress清除道路上的障碍,缩短道路距离,迅速前进。 △3H.VI.5.3.20:“We,hav-ing now the best at Barnet field,/ Will thitherstraight,for willingness rids way;”我们既已在巴奈特战场上获得胜利,就要立刻开往条克斯伯雷,因为行动敏捷就会缩短路 程。 4. destroy,kill,dispatch消灭,杀死,处决。 △3H.VI.5.5.65:“But if you ever chance to have a child./Look(i.e. expect)in his youth to have him so cut off / As,deathsmen,you have rid this sweet young prince.”但是即使你们也许会有个把孩子,等着瞧吧,刽子手们,他也会像你们 除掉这个可爱的小王子一样被人杀死的。
ridpa. p. 1. ridden,i.e. cleared of,freed from,removed from清除,摆脱,除掉。 rid the world: i.e. killed,destroyed 杀死,消灭。 △2H.VI.3.1.233:“This Gloucester should be quick-ly rid the world,”这个葛罗斯特应该赶快除掉。 2.❶disposed of,discharged,rid oneself off处理掉,打发掉。 ❷ridden骑。 △Mid.5.1.119: “He hath rid his prologue like a rough colt;”他打发他的开场白像一头狂奔一通的小马。(又译:他读开场白像骑一匹不驯服的小马——双关。) rid of: clear of. free from,having a thing off one'shand脱离,摆脱,脱手。 △Tw.4.2.73 (67):“I would wewere well rid of this knavery.”我希望我们把这场恶作剧好好地结束。 rid[rid]v.使摆脱,使除去 ◇be rid of=get rid of去掉 be rid of sb.去掉 rid oneself of the burden使自己卸掉包袱 ‖ riddance[ˈridns]n. |