v (1)摆,放置(put in a particular place or positional place)[T+n+prep,T+n+adv]:~a book on a table把书放在桌子上;~a kettle on a stove把壶放在炉子上;~a bowl in the centre把碗放在中央;~a stake in the ground把桩子埋在地里;~some white flowers among the blue ones 把一些白花放在蓝花中间;The little girl~one toy brick carefully on top of another.小姑娘小心翼翼地把积木一块块搭起来。The city is~on a hill. 城市坐落在一座小山上。The house is~amid the trees. 房屋位于一片树丛中。The campsite is~in the middle of a pine forest. 露营地在松树林里。His eyes were~close together.他的两只眼睛离得很近。〖同〗put,place,lay;〖反〗remove;
(2)设置戏剧、小说等背景,描述情景(represent the story of a play,novel,etc as happening in a certain place or at a certain time)[T+n,T+n+prep]:~one's story in the Orient 以东方为故事的背景;~the stage for a scene in a play 为一场戏设置舞台背景;The play is~in a small village. 这出戏以一个小村庄为背景。His novel is~15th century France. 他的小说以15世纪法国为背景。〖同〗locate;
(3)靠近,使……接触……(move or place sth close to sth else)[T+n+prep (to)]:~a glass to one's lips把玻璃杯放在嘴边;~a match to one's pipe划火柴点烟斗;~the axe to a tree 用斧头砍树;~pen to paper动笔写;He~fire to papers. 他点火烧文件。She~spurs to the horse. 她踢马刺策马前进。〖同〗fit,arrange;
(4)使处于或成为某种状态(cause to be in or reach the stated condition)[T+n+prep,C+n+adj]:~one's heart at rest使自己安心;~the whole room in a roar引起哄堂大笑;~sb's nerves on edge使某人神经紧张;~a machine in motion开动机器;~the accounts in order 清整账目;~a boat adrift放船只漂流;~a door ajar使门半开着;~a bird free 放鸟归林;~a mistake right 改正错误;S~your hat straight.把你的帽子戴好。~the papers on fire点火烧报纸;
(5)使开始(做某事)(cause sb/sth to start doing)[C+n+ing]:~sb thinking使某人思考;~a machine going 使机器运转;The thunderstorm~the radio cracking. 暴风雨使收音机噼啪作响。The sight of him~her heart beating faster. 一见到他,她就心跳加快。 A gust of wind~the candle spluttering.一阵大风使烛火毕剥作响。
(6)使(自己,某人)做某事(cause (oneself or sb) to do a particular job or task)[C+n+inf]:~the boys to chop wood让男孩子们砍柴;~the students to write reports 让学生们写报告;~oneself to learn French决心学习法语;~oneself to hunt down the traitor 一定追查叛徒的下落;~oneself to finish the job by the end of the next month 下月底坚决干完那项工作;The right-wing seem to~to do very well in the general election.右翼势力好像决心在大选中取胜。
(7)镶,嵌(apply or fix jewels to (an object))[T+n+prep (in/with)尤pass]:~a diamond in a ring把一颗宝石镶在戒指上;~a sapphire in a tiepin将一颗蓝宝石镶于领带夹;~a ruby in a brooch 将一颗红宝石镶在胸针上;a bracelet~with pearls/emeralds一只镶有珍珠/祖母绿的手镯;a crown with rubies and emeralds~into it一顶镶有红绿宝石的皇冠;The night sky was~with myriads of stars.(fig)无数颗星星点缀夜空。〖同〗fix;
(8)确(决)定(日期),安排(时间等)(settle or arrange (a date,time,etc) for sth)[T+n,T+n+ prep]:~a wedding day确定结婚日期;~a limit on the time确定时间期限;~a date for the meeting 确定开会日期;~Friday as the deadline 确定周五为最后期限;The men~the end of October for the escape. 这几个人决定10月底逃跑。〖同〗decide on,determine;〖反〗change,break;
(9)摆(安)放以备使用(put into position for use,esp for a meal)[T+n]:~a table for dinner摆放餐具用餐;~place for a guest 为客人安排座位;The table was~for the meal/for ten people.放好了桌子,准备开饭/摆好了10人的餐具。
(10)调(校)正(仪器、工具等)(adjust (an instrument,tool,etc) so that some desired condition of operation is established)[T+n,T+n+prep]:~the controls 调整好控制装置;~the pointer at 20把指针调到20;~a television to channel eight 把电视机调至八频道;~the heating control at 21 degrees 把热控器调到21度;~a camera on automatic/for a long-distance shot 把相机调到自拍位置/远距离拍摄;〖同〗adjust;
(11)对表,拨闹钟(adjust (the hands of a clock,watch) so as to be in a desired time)[T+n]:~one's watch/one's clock (by the time given on the radio/the time-signal on the radio)(按照收音机的报时/报时信号)对表/时钟;~one's alarm clock for 6 a.m.把闹钟调到早晨6点;
(12)树立(榜样),开创(新风),创造(记录)(establish sth such as a modal,highest level,new style,etc)[T+n]:~a new record创下一个新记录;~a legal precedent开创法律上的先例;~a good example 树立好榜样;~fashions in clothes 创出时装潮流;~the fashion for new-style poems创新体诗风格;They tended to follow the trend~by the strong.他们往往按照实力雄厚者的办法行事。
(13)指定(派)(任务、工作等)(give or assign sb to a particular duty,task,piece of work)[T+n,D+n+n,D+n+prep (for)]:~a lot of homework留大量作业;Who~this paper/(the questions for) the examination? 这卷子/试卷(试题)是谁出的?~one's class various exercises给班上学生指定各种练习题;~a composition给学生布置一篇作文;~a test出一份测试题;~an examination for one's pupils 出一份试卷;~oneself a difficult job/three aims/the target for oneself给自己确定一项艰巨任务/三个目标/这个目标;〖同〗give,assign;
(14)使(身体某一部位)停滞住(fix firmly (a part of the body,esp regarded as showing one's intention,feeling,determination,etc))[Tn尤pass]:~one's lips firmly紧闭双唇;~one's face into a grimace板着脸;~one's jaw in renewed determination to win 咬紧牙关,决心取胜;
(15)(使)凝固(结)((cause to) become fixed or harden)[I,T+n]:Let the pudding~.让布丁凝固。The jelly/concrete has not~. 果冻/水泥还没凝结。This cement has~hard.水泥变硬了。This ink~s rapidly.这种墨水干得很快。~the white of an egg使蛋白凝固;〖同〗harden;〖反〗soften;
(16)使(断骨)复位(put (a broken bone) into a fixed position (for proper joining))[I,T+n]:~sb's broken leg/arm/wrist使断腿/臂/手腕复位;~a dislocation使脱臼的关节复位;Your leg is~ting nicely.你的断腿愈合得很好。
(17)卷(做)头发(fix or arrange (the hair when it is wet) in waves or curls)[T+n]:have one's hair~for the party 让人做头发,以便去参加聚会;help one's wife~her hair帮助妻子做头发;
(18)排版(铅字)(arrange the type for the printing of a book,etc)[T+n]:~type (by hand)(手工)排字;~a word close把一个词的字母排密;~a line wide 将行距加宽;This edition has been~in large type. 这一版是用大号字体排的。The dictionary is~in Roman. 该词典是用罗马字体排的。〖同〗arrange;〖反〗disarrange;
(19)为……作(谱)曲(配词)(write or compose (music) to a given text)[T+n,T+n+prep(to)]:~words to music 为词谱曲;~a melody to a text 为曲配词;Has the poem ever been~(to music)? 这首诗被谱成曲了吗? Beethoven~some Scottish songs.贝多芬为一些苏格兰诗歌谱曲。〖同〗adapt,style;
(20)(日,月等)落下((of the sun,moon or stars) disappear below the horizon)[I]:The sun~at seven that evening. 太阳当天晚上7时落山。That star~very early in summer. 那颗星星夏天很早就消失了。The~ting sun cast long shadows across the lawn. 落日在草坪上投下长长的影子。〖同〗sink;〖反〗rise;
(21)(指风、潮流或类似的东西)有一定方向(流向)((of a wind,current,or the like)have a certain direction or course)[I+prep,I+adv]:The stronger current~s through the channel/to the east/towards the shore.一股强水流通过海峡/向东流去/向岸边流去。The wind was~ting from the north.风从北方正吹过来。Public opinion is~ting against the proposal.(fig)公众舆论反对那项提议。
be (all) set (for sth/to do sth)准备:We were all~to leave when it started to rain.我们一切都准备妥当刚要走,天却下起了雨。Are you all~for your holidays? 你们都为度假做好准备了吗?
set about (v prep) 1)袭(攻)击(vt)(infml):~about sb with a stick用棍子打某人;~about sb with one's hands and boots 对某人拳脚相加;They~about each other furiously.他们互相拼命撕打。 2)着手(vt,无pass):~about changing a tyre on a car/planning one's holidays/tidying up the room 开始换车上轮胎/计划怎样度假/整理房间;How will you~about this task? 你打算怎样着手做这项工作?
set sb/sth against sb/sth 1)使……反对(敌视)……: a war that~families against one another使家庭成员之间相互敌对的一场战争;~brother against brother 使兄弟间相互敌对; 2)把……和……加以比较(权衡):~the results against those of the last election把这次选举的结果与上次的加以比较;The advantages must be~against the disadvantages.必须权衡利弊。
set apart (from)(v adv) 1)使与众不同(vt):His gift/intelligence/brilliance~him apart(from the other children). 他的天赋/智力/才华与众(别的儿童)不同。 2)使分开(离)(vt):~the fighting boys apart 拉开打架的孩子;The chair was~apart from the others for a special guest. 这把为特殊客人准备的椅子与其他椅子分开摆放。
set aside (v adv) 1)留出,存储(vt):~aside a few dollars of one's salary/the whole weekend (for house-hunting)从工资中留出几美元/空出整个周末(找房子);2)不顾(理)(vt):It's time to~our differences aside.该是抛开我们之间不同见解的时候了。 3)撤消,驳回(vt):~aside a verdict/decision of a lower court 取消一项判决/撤消一项下级法院的判决;
set sb back sth 1)推迟,耽搁:This hold-up will~us back half an hour.这次交通堵塞将耽搁我们半小时。 2)花费(掉)(vt):The new house/A new car/His daughter's wedding~him back a lot of money.这幢新房子/一辆新车/女儿的婚礼花掉他一大笔钱。
set back (from)(v adv)使(建筑物等)与另一物保持一定距离(vt)(通常pass):a white house~far back from the road远离公路的一幢白房子;
set beside(v adv)和……相比(vt, 通常pass):There is no one to~beside her as an actress.作为演员没有人能与她相比。Money seems unimportant when~beside the joys of family life.与家庭的欢乐相比,钱似乎一点也不重要。
set down (v adv) 1)让下车(vt):The bus~s the ladies/passengers down here.公共汽车在这里让女士/乘客们下车。 2)记(写)下(vt):~down the story as it is told/two points while they are fresh in the mind记下讲述的故事/刚刚想起的两点内容;
set forth (v adv) 1)公布,提出(vt):~forth one's reasons/one's opinions/one's ideas陈述理由/观点/看法;She~the plan forth in a report.她在一份报告中提出了这项计划。 2)起程,出发(vi):S~ting forth on a journey means a great deal of preparation.动身去旅游意味着有大量的准备工作要做。
set in (v adv)(雨、坏天气、传染病等)开始并可能继续下去(vi):The rainy season/cold weather~in.雨季/冷天气开始了。A storm/strong wind/soft sea breeze~s in.暴风雨/一阵大风/海面微风(刮)起来了。
set off (v adv) 1)动身,出发 (vi): ~off for the West/the station/work/home动身向西行/往车站走/上班去/回家; 2)放鞭炮,使……爆炸(vt):~fireworks off (~off fireworks)放焰火;Terrorists~off a bomb in the city centre.恐怖分子在市中心引爆一枚炸弹。 3)激(引)起(vt):Careless handling of international relations can~off a war.不小心处理国际关系就会引发战争。 4)使……开始做(vt):If you mention the war,it'll just~him off on one of the distressing stories.只要你提到那场战争,就会促使他谈起自己痛苦的往事。
set on (v prep)袭击(vt):~on sb with a knife持刀袭击某人;She was~on by a thief in the park.她在公园里遭到一个小偷的袭击。
set sb/sth on sb 使……袭击某人(vt):I'll~my dog on you if you don't leave at once.如果你不赶快走开,我就放狗咬你。
set out (v adv) 1)动身,出发(vi):~out for work/London去上班/伦敦;2)安排,摆放(vt):The wedding gifts are~out in the next room.结婚礼物都摆放在隔壁房间。The goods for sale were~out attractively.要出售的商品摆放得十分引人注目。 3)陈述,列举(vt):~out one's goals/one's plans/one's proposals/one's reasons详述自己的目标/计划/建议/理由;Be sure to~out the points of your arguments carefully.一定要认真地列举你的论点。
set to (v adv) 1)开始起劲地干(vi):They~to and had the job finished in ten minutes. 他们卖力气地干了起来,10分钟就把那活儿干完了。 2)开始吵架(撕打)(vi):The two men~to and fought furiously.两个人撕打起来,打得不可开交。
set up (v adv) 1)提供钱去创业等(vt):He gave his son some capital to~him up. 他给儿子一笔资金以帮助他去创业。 2)建(竖)立(vt):~a flagpole/a monument/a memorial/a statue竖立旗杆/纪念碑/纪念堂/塑像; 3)建立,开创(vt):~an enquiry office设立一个询问处;~up a committee/a fund/a school建立一个委员会/一笔资金/一所学校; 4)(大声)发出(vt):~up a wail/a shout/a commotion/a din/a row号啕大哭/高声呼喊/乱作一团/大声喧哗/乱吵乱叫; 5)使健康(强壮)起来(vt):A holiday will soon~you up again.去度假很快就会使你康复。 6)创纪录(vt):The young swimmer~up a new record for the backstroke.年轻的游泳运动员刷新了一项新的仰泳纪录。
set (oneself) up as 1)干(当)上了……(vt):~up as a lawyer/a shoemaker/a dentist/a contractor当上了律师/鞋匠/牙医/承包商; 2)把自己视为某种人:He doesn't~himself up as an experienced painter.他没把自己说成是有经验的画家。
set sb/sth up with充分供给(vt):I was well~up with winter clothes.我备足了冬衣。The government usually~s a new school up with supplies of books and paper.政府通常给新成立的学校提供大量的书籍和纸张。
→′set-back n 挫折,逆流;′set-in n(霜、雨、雪等的)来临,开始;来临时节;嵌入物;′set-off n 出发,起程;装饰品;债务抵销;′set-out n 开始;安排,陈列;设备;′set-up n 组织,计划;装置;一副餐具;
n(1)一套(副,组)(group of things of the same kind that belong together and form a whole)[C][N (of)]:a cutlery/tea/tool/chess~一套餐具/一套茶具/一套工具/一副棋;a~of cutlery/china/Dickens' novels/encyclopaedias一套餐具/瓷器/狄更斯小说/百科全书;a complete~of Shakespeare's plays 一整套莎士比亚戏剧集;There is a~of rules that you must follow.有一系列你必须遵守的规则。〖同〗group,collection;
(2)(志趣相投的)一群人(group of persons sharing a common interest)[C,Gp]:a~of smugglers 一伙走私犯;the academic/artistic/musical/literary/young/golfing~学术人士/艺术人士/音乐人士/文学界人士/年青人/爱打高尔夫球的人;the young smart~一帮时髦的有钱人;be mixing with a very wild (fast)~与行为十分粗野(放荡)的人为伍;〖同〗crow,club;
(3)一批能力相当的学生(number or group of select students with similar ability)[C]:He is not in the top~in biology.他的生物成绩不属于优秀学生之列。
(4)无线电,电视装置(apparatus or device for receiving radio or television signals)[C]:a radio/television/transistor/crystal/radar~无线电收音机/电视机/半导体收音机/晶体管收音机/雷达;mend the wireless~修理无线电;Is your colour~working? 你的彩色电视机工作正常吗? 〖同〗apparatus,assembly;
(5)(身体的)位置,样子,姿势(position or angle in which one holds the body)[U][N(of)]:the~of one's jaw/one's head/one's shoulder下巴/头/肩的形态;a man of heavy~大块头的人;The~of his chin suggested great tenacity.看他下巴的样子就知道他很坚毅。〖同〗position,firmness;
(6)布(场)景(scene built for a play or a film)[C]:a stage/film~舞台/电影布景;build/paint the~搭起/画好布景;a~designer 布景设计师;〖同〗scenery,scene,setting;
(7)摄影场地,舞台(stage or natural surroundings where a film or play is acted)[C]:an old movie~一个旧电影摄制场地;After a long day on the~,the actors were all very tired.演员们在摄影场地上忙碌一整天后,都感到很劳累。be on (the) ~on time准时到达拍摄场地;
(8)(网球比赛中的)盘,局((in tennis) group of games that forms one unit or part of a match)[C]:win the most~s 赢了多数赛局;win the first~by six games to three 以六比三赢得第一局;They won in straight~s.他们一连胜了数局。
(9)幼(秧,树)苗(young plant or the like,suitable for planting)[C]:a cucumber~黄瓜秧;an onion~洋葱球茎;a~of a willow 柳树的插条;
(10)做头发(act or style of setting hair)[U,a~]:an appointment for a shampoo and~预约洗头,做头发;How much do they charge for a shampoo and~? 洗头加做发要花多少钱?
(11)集,集合(group of objects with stated characteristics)[C](数学):The~{x ,y}has two members.{x ,y }集合有两个数目。~theory 集(合)论;
(12)凝结(固),固定(act of becoming hard or fix in firmness)[U,a~]:Keep the jelly cold,and you will get a good~.把果冻冷藏,会凝结得很好。
(13)(铺地面、路用的)长方形石板(type of rectangular stone used for floor,roads,etc)[C](也作sett);
adj(1)处于,坐落于(having the particular position or location)[通常作pred][无comp]:a city/village/house~on a hillside 位于山腰上的一座城市/村庄/房屋;have deep-~ eyes深眼窝;her eyes~deep in her head她深陷的双眼;
(2)(表情)呆板(不变,凝滞)的((of person's expressions) fixed and still)[通常作attrib]:a~smile/mouth/stare/frown不诚恳的微笑/紧闭的双唇/凝滞的目光/紧锁的眉头;have a grim~expression on one's face严肃、木然的神情;〖同〗rigid,fixed;〖反〗flexible;
(3)固定的,事先安排的(fixed or appointed in advance)[通常attrib][无comp]:a~time/fee/order/procedure/lunch/speech规定的时间/规定的费用/固定的顺序/固定的程序/固定的午餐(指价格不变)/预先准备的讲话;have no~routine 没有一成不变的定式;practice for a~number of hours a week 每周固定的数小时练习;do sth at~hours/times 在固定的钟点/时间做事;They have a~date for Tuesday. 周二是他们固定的约会时间。a~expression/phrase/piece/spare固定表达法/固定短语/(文学作品中)以固定模式或风格安排的场景/三角板;〖同〗fixed,decided,settled;〖反〗undecided;
(4)固执的,不变的(unchanging in one's thinking or ideas):have~ideas/views想法/观点固执不变;a man~in his opinions一个固执己见的人;He is~in his ways.他办事墨守成规。〖同〗stubborn,inflexible;〖反〗flexible;
(5)故意的(intentional,deliberate)[作attrib]:with no~purpose/intention没有一定的目的/意图;It is a~policy of Soviet Union. 这是苏联的既定政策。
(6)准备就绪(好)的(ready for some action or activity)[A (for),A+to+inf]:Is everyone (all)~? 大家都准备好了吗?be (all)~for the examination/picnic 准备好参加考试/去郊游;Everything is~for the party.晚会的各项事宜都准备好了。get~to run/leave准备好起跑/动身;She is~to go to college next month.她准备好了下个月去上大学。〖同〗ready,prepared;〖反〗unprepared;
be dead set against 坚决反对:be dead~against the plan坚决反对这一计划;The committee is dead~against the idea.委员会坚决反对这个意见。
be set on 决心(定):be~on going to university/marying sb决心上大学/与某人结婚;