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单词 selection
selection/si′lek⨜n/ n

(1)挑选,选择(act of selecting or being selected)[U]:the careful~of projects认真选择方案;be delighted about one's~as chairman 选中自己担任主席,十分欣喜;sb's~of a hat某人一顶帽子的选择;the~of a school一所学校的选择;leave the~of the team to sb 把组队的任务交给某人;spend an hour in the shop over the~of a new dress用一小时在商店里选一件新衣服;the~process/pressure选择过程/选择压力;〖同〗 choice,choosing;

(2)供选择的范围(group from which a choice may be made)[C]:have a good~of bracelets有很好的手镯可以选择;have a little~of books可供选择的书籍很少;have a fine~of winter clothes 有相当好的冬装可供选择;The larger shops are able to stock a wider~of goods.大商店有能力储存较多商品供人们选择。〖同〗variety,choice;

(3)精选品,挑选出来的人(person or thing selected)[C]:a~from a long novel 长篇小说节选;~from the new album 新辑精选;~from Shakespeare 莎士比亚作品选;a~for a match参加比赛的选手;a~for a team 入选的队员;The band played a~of popular tunes.乐队演奏了流行歌曲精品。~committee 选拔委员会;〖同〗program;

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