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单词 serve
serve/sɜ:v, AmE sɜ:rv/ v [-d,-d/d/;-eing]; n

v (1)(尤指)当佣人,为(某人)干活(work well and faithfully for a personesp as a servant)[I+prep (as),T+nT+n+prep (as)]:~as (a) footman/(a) gardener/(a) chauffeur做男仆/园丁/司机;~one's master/the family为主人/那家人服务;The butler~d him faithfully for 25 years. 司膳管家忠心耿耿地为他干了25年。〖同〗work for;〖反〗order;

(2)服役,供职(do a term of duty;to be in service)[II+prep (in/as),T+n]:~in the US Air Force 在美国空军服役;~under Harold Wilson 在哈洛德·威尔逊手下供职;~on the committee 在委员会任委员;He~d as an adviser to the company/as an officer to the company.他担任公司顾问/公司高级职员。~the public为公众服务;~one's country为国家效劳;〖同〗work;

(3)伺候进餐,端上食物(offer food to sb at a meal;wait on table)[II+prepT+nT+n+prep (with),T+n+adv (up),D+n+nD+n+prep (to)]:In our family father always~s.在我们家总是爸爸上菜。Who is going to~?谁来上菜?~at table伺候进餐;~in a restaurant 在餐厅当侍者;Please~the meat/the soup. 请上肉/上汤。Dinner/Lunch is~d now.现在晚餐/午餐已经摆好了。She~d the whole meal herself.她自己摆好所有的饭菜。~wine in the lounge 在休息室上酒;~coffee in the next room 给隔壁上咖啡;~apple sauce at the table 在桌子上摆上苹果酱;We were~d with champagne and canapés/drink and food/meat and vegetable.给我们上香槟和开胃土司/饮料和食物/肉和蔬菜。The waiter~d us asparagus/salmon/caviar.侍者给我们上了芦笋/鲑鱼/鱼子酱。The mother~d the children their meal.母亲给孩子端上饭菜。~the coffee hot端上热咖啡;

(4)接待顾客(supply goodsservices to customers)[IT+nT+n+prep (with),D+n+nD+n+prep (to)]:~in a dress shop/a small store/a grocery在裁缝店/小商店/杂货店当售货员;refuse to~a customer/Smith拒绝为顾客服务/史密斯服务;Are you being~d,Madam? 夫人,有售货员接待您吗? I'm still waiting to be~d.我还在等人来接待我。What may I~you with? 您要买些什么? The shopkeeper~d the little girl a box of chocolates.店主给小姑娘拿来一盒巧克力。

(5)供给(应)(provide (an area or group of people) with things needed)[尤pass T+nT+n+prep]:five water taps to~thirty camps 五个水龙头供30个营房用水;The mountain village/small town/new city is~d with water and electricity.为这个山村/小镇/新兴的城市供水供电。Is the city well~d with transport?这个城市的交通设施完善吗?

(6)以某种方式对待(某人)(treat (sb) in a specified manner)[T+n](fml):~sb shamefully 待某人很坏;to be cruelly~d受到残酷的对待;That~d him ill.那样待他不好。

(7)合用,适合,满足(需求)(be good enough for the use of sb;satisfying a purpose or need)[II+prep (for/as),I+to-infT+nT+n+prep (for/as),C+n+prep (as)无pass](fml):a sofa~ing as (for) a bed作床用的沙发;a box~ing as (for) a seat 当座用的箱子;This will~as a valuable reminder of the dangers involved.这对涉及的危险是一个有价值的提示。This~s to illustrate the point. 这就足以说明了这点。This~s to increase our suspicion.这引起我们的怀疑。Nothing~s to explain the violent fighting.没有什么能解释这场暴力冲突。a tool to~many purposes 有多种用途的工具;The boat~s my purpose. 这条船能满足我的需求。The agreement~s our needs. 这项协议能满足我们的需要。The union~s a useful function.工会是一个有效的机构。This umbrella~s the old man as (for) a cane. 这把雨伞可给老人用作手杖。The letter~s the little girl as (for) a bookmarker. 这封信可给小姑娘当书签使用。〖同〗act,function;

(8)(尤指食品)够……用(吃)((esp of food)be enough for)[T+n C+n+prep (as)]:a tin of fruit that~s us three 够我们三个人吃的一听水果;a dish that~s four (people)够四个人吃的一份菜;One packet of cigarettes~s me for a week.一包香烟够我吸一周的。〖同〗satisfy,suit;〖反〗dissatisfy;

(9)(花一定时间)做某事(服刑等)(spend a period of time doing sth;go through a term of service)[I+n/prepT+n]:~ten years in prison 坐10年牢;~in parliament 在国会任职;~time for robbery/fraud因抢劫/诈骗服刑;~a long sentence for one's crime因有罪而长期服刑;~three years as an apprentice当三年学徒;~two terms as President 任两届总统;~one's time as manager 担任经理;~one's apprentice 当学徒;~one's sentence 坐监牢;

(10)(向……)送达(令状等)(deliver or present (an official paper given in law to sbetc))[T+nT+n+prep (on/with)]:~a writ/a warrant/a warning下达令状/下达逮捕令/发出警告;A summon has been~d on him to appear in court. 向他送达传票,要求他出庭。The court~d her with an enforcement notice (order) on him. 法庭向她送交了对他强制执行的通知书。〖同〗deliver,present;

(11)(网,排球等)发球(put the ball into play by hitting it)[II+prep (to),T+nT+n+prep (to)]:She~d.她发的球。~well/badly球发得好/不好;~three aces this game在这场球中三次发球得分;He~d the ball into the net.他发球不过网。

serve sb right 活该,罪有应得:His punishment~d him right.他得到了应有的惩罚。

serve out (v adv) 1)分发(食物)(vt):The mother~d out the pudding for the children.母亲给孩子们分布丁。Rations were~d out to the troops.向部队发放口粮。2)做……到期满(vt):~out apprenticeship/one's period of office/three years in prison学到出师/供职到任期满/服满三年刑;

serve up (v adv)提出(vt):~up the usual excuse/the same old uninteresting facts拿出惯用的借口/摆出令人不感兴趣的老一套事实;

→′server n(做弥撒时的)助祭;(网球等的)发球人;′serving n(供一人食用的)一份食物;′servant n 仆人,工友,雇员;忠于某人(某事)的人;耶稣基督的忠仆(如牧师);′service n & v;

n(网,排球等)发球(actmanneror right of servingas in tennisetc)[C]:an excellent~漂亮的发球;powerful~有力的发球;fast~快速的发球;lose five points on~发球输了五分;Whose~is it?该谁发球?





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