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单词 sequence
sequence/′si:kwǝns/ n [-s/ ɪz/]

(1)一系列(连串)(continuous or related seriesoften of group of things)[C]:a~of orientation meetings一连串情况介绍会;a~of lessons on one subject一门课的一系列课;a~of historical plays一系列历史剧;a~of great misfortunes一连串的不幸事件;You can see from this~of photographs exactly how the accident happened. 你可以从这组照片清楚地看到事故是如何发生的。a~of numbers/movements/events 一系列数字/动作/事件;〖同〗series,procession;

(2)顺(次)序(order in which things happen)[U]:deal with events in historical~按历史顺序讨论事件;arrange names in alphabetical~按字母(先后)排列姓名;exhibit paintings in chronological~ 按年代顺序展示绘画;give an account~of the event叙述事件的过程;describe the precise~of events描写事件的具体过程;the~of tenses (grammar) 时态的呼应;〖同〗order;

(3)连续镜头(scenes of a film story within a single or uninterrupted part)[C]:a film's thrilling/frightening/opening/ghastly~影片的惊险/可怕/开始/令人不愉快的连续镜头;In the next~you see a blonde woman getting into his car. 影片接下来展示一金发女人上了他的汽车的一组镜头。

in sequence 一个接一个(按顺序)地:paint each square in~一个一个给小方格着色;arrange the cards in~按顺序把纸牌排好





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