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单词 sense
sense/sens/ n [-s/ ɪz/];vt [-d,-d/t/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)感官之官能(one of the five powers by which a personanimaletc feels or notices)[C]:a~of hearing/sight/touch听/视/触觉;have no~of smell没嗅觉;have a keen/fine/dull~of smell 嗅觉灵敏/良好/迟钝;I've lost my~of taste.我失去了味觉。Food and wine are pleasures of the~s.食物和酒可以给人带来感官享受。~organs 感觉器官;


(2)理解,识别,领会(ability to appreciateunderstand or feel some quality)[Ua~][N(of)]:a~of humour/honour/inferiority/beauty幽默/荣誉/自卑/审美感;a~of the ridiculous对可笑之事的领会;a~of the absurd 对荒唐之事的识别力;a man with business~有生意眼光的人;a girl with musical~有音乐欣赏水平的姑娘;a~of values价值观;have a poor~of direction方向感差;He has a crazy but harmless~of fun. 他非常爱开玩笑,但都无恶意。Have you got enough~to see that he is trying to cheat you? 你看没看出他在试图欺骗你?〖同〗appreciation,understanding;

(3)觉察(悟),意识(awareness or a feeling of sth;realization)[Ua~][N (of)]:a~of shame/guilt/justice/safety/responsibility羞耻/负罪/正义/安全/责任感;feel a~of security somewhere 在某处感到安全;regain a~of one's own importance重新感到自己的重要性;a~of one's own worth 个人价值的意识;We must keep~of proportion about all this.我们必须对这一切区别轻重缓急。〖同〗sensation,consciousness;

(4)思维能力,理智(normal ability to thinknormal state of mind)[pl]:lose one's~失去理智;recover one's~恢复思维;regain one's~s 重获知觉;take leave of one's~s 发疯;be in one's~神志清醒;be out of one's~神智不清醒;You are quite out of your~s.你完全失去理智。

(5)道理,合理性(sth that is sound or reasonable)[U]:What's the~of doing that?做那件事有什么用? Where's the~in learning Latin? 学习拉丁语的意义在那里呢? There is no~in worrying. 忧虑是毫无意义的。There is little~in waiting any longer. 再等下去没有多大意义。There is some~in what he says.他说的有一定的道理。〖同〗point,worth;〖反〗nonsense;

(6)见(常)识,智慧(practical understanding or ability to make reasonable judgementwisdom)[U]:a man of~有见识的人;have plenty of~富有见识;have more~than to do such a foolish thing很明智,不做这样的傻事;have enough~to keep out of foolish quarrels完全明白不能卷入愚蠢的争吵;

(7)(词语等的)意义(思),含义(any of the possible meanings of a word or phrase)[C]:a noun with two~s 有两个字义的名词;a real~of that word那个词的真正含义;What is the~of this passage/his statement?这段文章/他的话是什么意思? a word in its literal/figurative/broadest~词的字面/比喻/最广义含义;The packaging is green—in both~es of the word. 从这个词的两重意义上讲,这个包装物都是绿色的。〖同〗meaning,signification;

(8)(集体的)普遍感觉,意向(见)(general feeling or attitude of a group)[Cthe~][N(of)](fml):take the~of a meeting了解与会者的意向;The~of the assembly was clear.大会的意向很明确。〖同〗impression,atmosphere;

bring sb to his senses/come to one's senses 1) (使)醒悟:Time (A month in prison)will bring you to your~es.时光流逝(一个月的监禁)会使你恢复理性。2) (使)苏醒:She came to her~es in hospital.她是在医院里醒过来的。

in a sense从某种意义上说:I think he may be right in a~.我认为在某种意义上说,他可能是正确的。

make sense 1)讲得通,有意义:A sentence must make~.句子必须有意义。2)是合情理(明智)的:Does it make~to let little children play with matches? 让小孩玩火柴有道理吗?

make sense of sth理解;弄懂……的意思:I've read the letter twice,but I can't make any~of it.这封信我看了两遍,不过还是没看懂信中的意思。

a sense of occasion在某种场合产生的某种感觉:The decorations,flowers and crowd gave the town a real~of occasion.装饰、鲜花、人群使这个城市有真正节日的气氛。

a sixth sense第六感觉,直觉:A sixth~told him that he was being followed.第六感觉告诉他,自己被人跟踪了。

→′senseless adj 无意义的,愚蠢的;无知觉的;′sensory adj 感觉官能的,感受的;′sensual adj 肉体上享乐的;′sensitive adj敏感的;

vt(1)意识到,感觉(觉察)到(become aware of without knowing clearly why or how)[T+nT+thatT+wh]:~sb's danger/sb's anger/sb's disapproval/sb's difficulty察觉到某人有危险/某人生气了/某人不同意/某人有困难;~the approaching disaster/the tension in the conference room意识到灾难降临/会议室里的紧张气氛;~(that) someone was approaching/mother disapproved感觉到有人走近了/母亲不同意;Could you~what was likely to happen? 你没察觉到可能会发生什么事吗?〖同〗feel;〖反〗neglect;

(2)机器,仪器等检测((of a machineetc) detect automatically)[T+n]:~the presence of poisonous gases/the smoke in the room检测出有毒气/房内的烟雾;〖同〗detect;〖反〗miss;

→sen′sation n;′sensible adj;

【辨异】sense meaningsignificance的区别见 MEANING。





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