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单词 settle
settle/′setl/ v [-d,-d/d/;/-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1)安(定)居(go and live (in),esp permanently;make one's home)[II+prep]:The family~d here.这家人在此定居了。~near London/along the seacoast/in the country在伦敦附近/沿海岸边/农村定居;Pioneers~d in the west.开拓者在西部定居下来。He finally~d in Oxford and got married.他最后在牛津定居并结了婚。〖同〗inhabit;
 (2)殖(移)民(go and live in a particular placecountryetc as a colonist)[II+prepT+n pass]:Many Scots/The Pilgrims/The Dutch~d in New Zealand.许多苏格兰人/英国清教徒/荷兰人移居新西兰。By whom was Canada~d? 移居加拿大的是哪些人? New York was~d by the Dutch. 纽约是荷兰人的殖民地。〖同〗colonize,inhabit;〖反〗emigrate;
 (3)(使)舒服地坐下(安顿下来)(set in place firmly or comfortably)[II+adv(back),T+n]:~(back) in a chair/by the fire/in front of the television舒服地(往后一靠)坐在椅子上/炉火旁/电视机前;~oneself in an arm chair 坐在沙发上;~oneself on the rocky bench坐在多岩石的海滩上;~oneself by the window坐在窗户旁;~oneself in the grass坐在草地上;~oneself beside sb in a car在汽车里,坐在某人身边;~one's patient for the night 安顿病人过夜;~one's family in the new home将家人在新家里安顿下来;~one's mother on a train compartment将母亲安顿在车厢内;
 (4)(使)安静(平静,放松)下来((cause to)become quietcalm and free from disturbance)[IT+n]:He's one of those very active children who find it difficult to~.他是个十分活跃的孩子,很难安静下来。The excitement/noise has~d.兴奋的情绪/这种噪音已经平静下来。a pill to~one's stomach抑制胃部不适的一片药;a drink to~one's nerves镇静紧张神经的一杯饮料;a word to~one's mind 稳定情绪的一句话;The class~d itself to work.全班学生安静下来学习。〖同〗calm,quiet;〖反〗excite,disturb;
 (5)停留(歇),落定(come to rest;move to a lower level and stay there)[II+prep (on/over)]:The dust~d.灰尘落下了。The snow will not~.雪在地上留不住。A fly~d on the ceiling. 一只苍蝇落在天花板上。A butterfly~d on the leaf. 蝴蝶落在树叶上。A robin~d on the bough.知更鸟落在树枝上。A heavy fog~d over the airport. 浓雾笼罩机场。A dark cloud~d over the mountain top. 乌云锁住山峰。Dust has~d on all the surfaces in the house. 房间里落满了灰尘。His cold~d in on his chest.他患感冒,感到胸部不适。An uneasy calm has~d on the city.(fig)这座城市呈现的平静令人不安。 A peaceful expression~d on her face.(fig)她的脸上呈现出安详的神情。A tense silence~d over the crowd.(fig) 人群中一片寂静,令人紧张。〖同〗land,light;
 (6)解决,结束,处理(conclude (a disputequarreletc) by a final decision;end (a disagreement);deal with)[T+nT+n+prep (with),T+that T+whT+wh+inf]:~an argument平息争论;~a question/a quarrel/a dispute/a strike处理问题/解决争吵/消除争端/平息罢工;agree to~the differences/the affairs/the disagreements同意解决分歧/安排事务/消除意见分歧;get the matter~d once and for all彻底解决这个问题;~the issue with the management/the builders/the employees与资方/建筑工人/雇员一起处理这个问题;It has been~d that we'll leave next week. 已经决定,我们下周动身。It has been~d that the manager will present the report to the committee.现已决定,下周经理向委员会提交报告。Have you~d when the meeting was going to be/which college you are to go to/how the work will be done?你是否已决定什么时候开会/你要上哪所大学/怎样完成工作? We haven't~d yet how to get there. 我们还没决定如何到那里去。〖同〗resolve;〖反〗confuse;
 (7)同意解决法律上的争端(resolve a legal dispute by agreement between the parties)[II+prep(with)]:expect to agree to~today 希望今天双方达成和解;be better to~(with each other) out of court最好(双方)庭外和解;〖同〗resolute;
 (8)付(结)账(pay a bill etcmake a financial arrangement)[II+prep (with),I+adv (up),T+nI+adv (up)+prep (with)]:ask sb to~immediately 让某人立即还账;~with a creditor/a waiter同债权人清账/和服务员结账;~for sb为某人付账;Would you like to~up later,Sir? 先生,您想以后再结账吗? We can~up now.我们现在可以清账。~(up) with sb for the goods跟某人结算货款;~one's debt/one's bill/one's claim付债/结账/解决索赔;It's wise to~one's accounts monthly.每月结一次账是明智的。〖同〗pay,clear;
 (9)(使)变得紧实(坚实)((cause to) become closer togethersubside)[I]:The road/bed/foundation/earth~d. 路面/路基/地基/墙基下沉了。The sugar/flour/contents in the jar will~. 罐中的食糖/面粉/东西会变得干硬。shake the bag to make the salt~抖一抖袋子让食盐更坚实;〖同〗sink,drop;〖反〗rise;
 (10)(使)下沉(降)((cause to) sink or be deposited to the bottom or a lower lever)[IT+n]:wait for the tea-leaves/the coffee grounds/the dregs to~等着茶叶/咖啡渣/沉渣沉底;To~the sediment/the mud/the dregs,keep the bottle quite still.为使沉淀物/泥浆/渣滓沉底,要保持瓶子完全静止不动。need a shower to~the dust需要一场雨使灰尘沉降;Bits of cork~d in the wine bottle. 软瓶塞块沉到了酒瓶底。〖同〗deposit;
 (11)(使)变清(澈)((cause to) become clear by depositing soild matter)[IT+n]:Let the wine~for a while.待葡萄酒澄一会儿再喝。Leave the beer in the closet to~it.把啤酒放在壁橱里,好让它澄一澄。
 settle one's/an account with sb报复(仇):This match will be an opportunity for England to~their accounts with Argentine.这场比赛将是英国队向阿根廷队报一剑之仇的好机会。
 settle (an old) score算老账,报复:Bob~d an old score with John by beating him.鲍勃为了报复打了约翰一顿。
 settle sb's hash 收拾某人(使其不会再找麻烦)(infml):He was annoying his fellow-workers,so the boss finally~d his hash by dismissing him.他老是打扰一同工作的工人们,所以老板最终将他开除了事。
 settle down (v adv) 1)舒适地坐或躺(vi & vt):S~down on a sofa/in a chair/in the back of one's car. 坐在沙发上/椅子上/汽车后面。 He~d himself down with a newspaper/a good book/a cup of tea.他拿份报纸/一本好书/一杯茶坐下。 2)过更安稳、宁静的生活(vi):I'd like to get married and~down.我想结婚,过安稳的生活。~down in one's new job/one's school/one's house在新工作中/学校里/屋子中安定下来; 3)平静下来(vi & vt):She waited for the audience/the situation to~down.她等听众/局面平静下来。try to~the audience down 努力使听众平静下来;
 settle down to (v adv,prep):安下心来做某事(vt):~down to dinner/finishing the work/one's meeting 安静下来吃饭/安下心来完成工作/认真开会;
 settle for (v prep)勉强认可(同意)(vt):He failed to win the first prize and had to~for the second. 他没获一等奖,只好屈居第二。Many women refuse to~for staying at home.许多妇女不甘心待在家里。
 settle in (v adv)(使)安顿下来(vi & vt):The new neighbours seem to have~d in now.新来的邻居现在好像已经安顿下来了。I haven't~d in my new job.我还没有适应新的工作。
 settle on (v prep)选择,决定(vt):~on a day for picnic/a time for the meeting/a career in advertising选定一天去野餐/时间来开会/做广告的职业;~on blue paint for the bedroom选定用蓝色粉刷卧室的墙壁;
 settle sth on sb(把钱,财产等)传(转让)给(vt):~a small fortune/part of one's estate on the young man把一小份财产/部分地产转让给这个年轻人;
 →′settled adj稳定的,不变的;′settler n殖民者,移民;′settlement n;
 【辨异】settle establish fix的区别见 ESTABLISH。





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