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单词 senior
senior/′si:niǝ(r)/ adj

adj (1)年长(龄大)的( older)[A(to)][无 comp]:be~to sb by two years (be two years~to sb)比某人大两岁;There are plenty of others~to me.其他人好多比我大。〖同〗older;〖反〗younger;

(2)老……(置于姓名之后,表示同名父子中的父亲)(placed after the name of a father whose son has been given exactly the same name)(常cap,缩写 Sen):John Smith,S~老约翰·史密斯;The letter's addressed to Peter Robinson Sen. 这封信是写给老彼得·罗宾逊的。〖同〗older,elder;〖反〗junior;

(3)(资历、级别、权位等)较高的(of higher rank or authoritylonger in service)[A (to)][无comp]:a~partner/statesman/officer 老板/元老/高级军官;a~member of the staff 老同事;a~member of the committee 委员会中的资深成员;She's~to me so I have to do what she tells me.她比我级别高,所以我得听她的。〖同〗superior,above;〖反〗inferior,subordinate;

(4)(中学或大学)高年级(班)的(of or for seniors in a high school or college):a~class大学四年级;a~pupil高年级学生;a~middle school 高级中学(高中);He was not allowed to take the~course.不允许他修高年级课程。

n(1)较年长者(person older than another or the other)[C]:be one's~by two years/two years one's~比某人大两岁;Herbert is the~of the two brothers.赫伯特是俩兄弟中的哥哥。

(2)(大学或中学)毕业班的学生(student in the last year of college or the twelfth grade in high school)(AmE):one's~year at college某人大学最后一学年;There are three classes in the~part of the school.该校有三个毕业班。

(3)高中生(student of a senior school)[C]:a match between the juniors and the~s 初中生和高中生间的一场比赛;One of the~took the sick pupil home.一个高年级的学生把这个生病的学生送回了家。

→͵seni′ority n 年长,级别高,资格老





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