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单词 service
service/′sɜ:vɪs, AmE ′sɜ:r-/ n [-s/ ɪz/];vt [-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/t/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)任职,服务(employment in duties or work for anotheresp for a person or organization)[U][N (to)]:require~需要服务;public~公共事业服务;be devoted to the~of others/humanity献身他人/人类;die in the~of one's country为国殉职;give faithful~to the company/for the church/for the community 对公司/教会/社区的忠诚服务;He spent his life in the~of the poor (a life of~to the poor). 他毕生为穷人服务。〖同〗effort;
 (2)服务,帮助(work done for others;helpful or professional activity)[C,通常pl][N (to)]:medical~s 医疗服务;the fee for sb's~s 某人的服务费;need the~s of a doctor/a lawyer/a surveyor需要医生/律师/房屋鉴定人的服务;Her~s to the state were immense. 她对国家的贡献极大。Your~s are no longer required.不再需要你的服务了。do sb a great~by doing sth 通过做某事给某人以很大帮助;〖同〗assistance,aid;
 (3)公用机构,政府部门(government branch or department of public employment)[C]:in the Diplomatic/Civil/National Health/Social S~在外交部门/政府行政部门/国民保健署/社会服务部;The foreign~is having a banquet tonight.今晚外交部门举行宴会。〖同〗department,agency,bureau;
 (4)军种((branch of the) armed forces of a nation)[C]:the three/fighting/armed~s三军/参战部队/武装部队;join the~s 参军;plan a career in the~s计划一生从军;Which~is John in? 约翰在哪个兵种服役? The air~is very important in the war.空军在战争中十分重要。a~rifle/family/house 军用步枪/军人家庭/军人用房;〖同〗military;
 (5)任务,兵役(work or duty in the armynavyetc)[U]:perform one's military~服兵役;go upon~当兵;be in/draft into/enter the~从军/应征/入伍;spend three years in the~当过三年兵;impose national~on young men of 20 对20岁的年轻人实行征兵;Ten men were injured on active~. 10名士兵在执行任务中负伤。
 (6)服务(工作,方式)(serving of buyers in shopsor of guests in hotelsetcthe act or manner of serving)[U]:a restaurant noted for its good/fine/excellent~以良好的服务/优质的服务/极佳的服务闻名的餐馆;get very slow~in the hotel那家旅店接待的效率不高;S~is poor (bad) in this place.这个地方服务太差。wait 10 minutes/hammer the table/add 10 percent to the bill for~等10分钟/敲桌子/加10%的小费让人服务;like the~in the shop 喜欢那家商店的服务;Can I have some~, please? 请来人接待我好吗? a~entrance/charge/lift服务员入口/服务费/工作人员电梯;~stairs工作人员专用阶梯;a quick-~restaurant 上菜快的餐厅;〖同〗attendance,waiting;
 (7)公共设施,公用事业(facility providing the public with the use of sthsuch as transportation or communication)[C]:the bus/train/air~公共汽车/火车/飞机营运;telephone/postal~电话/邮政网络;The railway~is very bad/poor/good.铁路运营服务不好/差/好。maintain essential~s 保障基本的公用业务;arrange for electricity/water~in a new house安排新房屋的照明/供水设备;〖同〗system,facility;
 (8)服务业(business or enterprise that performs tasks for its customers instead of producing goods)[C]:an insurance~保险行业;a television repair/shoe-repair/banking/laundry~电视机修理/修鞋/银行/洗衣业;a new carpet-cleaning~一个新兴的地毯清洗业;a~industry/road/area服务行业/辅助道路/(高速公路旁的)服务区;the~sector服务部门;〖同〗serving;
 (9)保养,维修(maintenance or repairs provided or guaranteed by a dealer or manufacturer)[CU]:take/bring/send sb's car in for(a) regular~ 把某人的汽车送定期检修;The~on these machines is very poor. 对这些机器的维修很差。provide (a) very good after-sales/free breakdown~提供良好的售后/免费故障维修服务;a~for an electric blanket维修电热毯;a~department/engineer/man/station 维修部/维修技师/维修人员/(汽车)加油站;〖同〗repair,maintenance;
 (10)宗教(礼拜)仪式(any religious ceremony)[C]:attend morning/evening/church~出席早晨/晚间/教堂祈祷;hold three~s every Sunday每礼拜日举行三次祈祷;a burial/marriage/memorial/communion/thanksgiving~葬礼/婚礼/悼念/圣餐/感恩礼拜;A~is being held in the church. 教堂里正在举行祈祷。〖同〗ceremony;
 (11)送达(传票,命令等)(delivering of an official paper or order given in law to sb)[U](law):personal~直接送达当事人;~by publication/substitution告示通知(用张贴等办法)/代理送达(由他人代送等);
 (12)仆人地位(employment or position as a servant)[U](旧用法):be in~for most of one's life一生大部分时间都做仆人;take sb into one's~雇佣某人;The cook left our~.厨子不给我们干了。
 (13)一套餐具(set of dishes for serving and eating food)[C];a coffee/tea/dinner~一套咖啡/茶/餐具;a~for eight persons 一套供八人用的餐具;a silver~of 30 pieces 一套30件的银质餐具;〖同〗set;
 (14)(网,排球等的)发球,发球方式权 (actmanneror right of serving as in tennisetc)[C]:a good and fast~既好又快的发球;The~was a let.发球触网重发。Her~is terrific/weak.她的发球有威力/软弱无力。His~has improved.他的发球技术有提高。Whose~is it now? 该谁发球了?
 (15)有发球权的一局(single part of a set in which sb serves)[C]:win/hold/lose/drop one's~赢得/保住/失去/输掉有发球的一局;break sb's~破某人有发球权的一局;
 at sb's service 1)随时帮助某人:You will have an French-speaking guide at your~at all time.你将有一位讲法语的向导,随时为你服务。 2)供……使用:My car/bicycle is at your~.我的汽车/自行车供你使用。
 be of service to 能帮忙,有用(好)处:If we can be of~(to you),do not hesitate to call on us. 如果我们能帮忙,请不要客气。His professional knowledge has been of great~to us.他的专业知识对我们大有用处。
 do sb a service 帮某人的忙:Will you do me a~? 你能帮我一个忙吗?
 see service (in sth) 1)服现役:see~on several fronts/in several battles几次上过前线/参加过几次战斗;2)很有用,可靠:a coat that has seen~很耐穿的上衣;
 →′serviceman n 军人;′servicewoman n 女军人;
 vt(1)检(维)修,保养(maintain or repair a machinevehicleapplianceetc at regular intervals)[T+n]:~a dishwasher/a mower/a television set/a washing machine维修洗碗/割草/电视/洗衣机;Has your car been~d recently? 最近你送汽车检修过吗? Gas appliances should be~d regularly. 煤气器具应该定期检修。〖同〗repair,maintain;
 (2)提供公共服务(provide the public with the use of transportationcommunicationetc)[T+n]:The power company~s the northeast. 这家电力公司为东北部提供电力。Two trains~the town. 两班火车为这个城镇提供交通服务。The Department of State~d the press and the readers interested in foreign affairs. 国务院对外交事务有兴趣的报界和读者提供资料和帮助。〖同〗serve;
 (3)支付(贷款的)利息(settle or pay interest on (a load))[T+n]:~one's debt支付债务利息;
 ←′serve v & n;
 →′serviceable adj 可使用的,耐用的;′serviceably adv 耐用地





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