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单词 settlement
settlement/′setlmǝnt/ n

(1)解决的办法(协议等)(agreementarrangement that settles an issueproblemetc)[C]:reach a~of a conflict/a law case就冲突/讼案的问题达成和解;The two sides negotiated/agreed upon/came to a~.双方谈判/同意/达成和解。The chance for a lasting~has appeared.出现了达成永久和解的机会。〖同〗agreement,resolution;

(2)解决,处理,决定,和解(act of setting or state being settled)[U]:the~of a dispute/the differences争端/分歧的解决;S~of the matter has been delayed for years.解决这件事情已经用了几年时间。Following the~of the strike,the bus services is back to normal.罢工得到妥善处理,公共汽车运营服务恢复正常。〖同〗working out,resolution;

(3)结账,偿付(payment satisfying a claim)[CU]:the~of all one's debt/one's bills/one's accounts偿还全部欠账/付清所有账单/结清一切账目;leave the bill with me for~让我来付账;I enclose a cheque in~of your claim.我随信寄去偿付你索赔的支票。〖同〗payment,discharge;

(4)殖(移)民居住地(newly colonized region)[C]:(the)~in America/by English/of the colonists美国的殖民开拓地/英国移民的居留地/殖民者的定居地;the first permanent~in North America北美洲第一永久定居地;penal~s in Australia澳大利亚的流放地;〖同〗colony,community;

(5)殖民,定居(process of settling on a new land or colony) [U]: during the continuous~of the American West在美国西部持续的移民定居中;land open to~向开拓者开放的土地;When did the~of Carolina begin? 卡罗来纳州的移民是何时开始的?

(6)金钱或财产的转让 (transference or set-tling of a property)[C]:make a~on sb when he gets married/when he starts college当某人结婚时给一笔财产/上大学时给一笔钱;The court awarded her a handsome~.法庭裁定付给她相当可观的一笔财产。〖同〗sum,amount;

←′settle v





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