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单词 sell
sell/sel/ v soldsold/sǝ ʊld, AmE soʊld/]; n

(1)卖,销,出售(give or deliver sth in exchange for money or its equivalent)[II+prep (to)(at/for),T+nT+n+prep (to)(at/for),D+n+nD+n+prep (to)]: I like his house;will he~?我喜欢他的房子,他愿意出售吗? If you are willing to~,I'll buy.如果你愿意卖,我就买。~to a friend卖给一位朋友;~to a stranger 卖给陌生人;~(a picture) to sb at a bargain/at a loss/at a profit/at a discount/at a high price 向某人廉价/亏本/获利/打折/高价出售(一幅画);~(sth) by auction(把某物)拍卖;~sth by retail把某物零售;~by whole-sale 批发;~one's business 卖掉企业;~goods to sb向某人出售商品;~one's car to sb for $500 以500美元向某人出售汽车;Will you~me the book/that car/your furniture?你把这本书/那部汽车/你的家具卖给我行吗?〖同〗trade;〖反〗buy;

(2)被出售,有销路;有人买(be sold or bought;find buyers)[II+prep (at/for),I+n/prep]:These blouses are not~ing. 这些短衫没人买。an item that~s well/badly/quickly卖得好/无销路/销售快的商品;Eggs are~ing at sixty cents a dozen. 鸡蛋一打售价60美分。Nuts are~ing for 89 cents a pound. 坚果每磅89 美分。 Apples are~ing at high price this year.苹果今年售价高。The book has sold millions.这本书卖了数百万册。

(3)经销(售)(keep or offer for saledeal in)[T+n]:a shop that~s health foods/milk and eggs/electric goods/postage stamps/hardware 经销保健食品/牛奶和鸡蛋/电器商品/邮票/五金制品的商店;Do you~flowers/candles/vacuum cleaners in this shop?你们(店)卖不卖鲜花/蜡烛/吸尘器? He~s insurance. 他推销保险。〖同〗trade in,market;

(4)促销,(有助)销售(cause to be sold;help to persuade people to buy(sth))[T+n]:Publicity sold that product.宣传工作提高了那产品的销售量。Scandal and gossip is what~s newspapers. 丑闻和谎言是使报纸畅销的原因。Attractive packaging is what~s a product. 吸引人的包装是使产品畅销的原因。The low price and quality is what~s our goods.价格低廉和质量好是使我们的货物畅销的原因。Her name and the clever title on the cover~s the book.封皮上她的名字和巧妙的书名使这本书畅销。

(5)使相信……是真的(persuade (sb) to acceptbelieve that sth is true)[D+n+nD+n+ prep](infml):~sb a story/a line/an excuse使相信某人谎言/甜言蜜语/开脱的理由;

(6)说服某人相信(主意,计划)好(persuade(sb) to acceptbelieve that sth is goodusefuletc;convince)[T+nD+n+nD+n+prep (on/at)](infml):~tax polices宣传税收政策;~oneself to the public/the scheme to the president说服公众接受自己的观点/总统采纳这一方案;You've got to~yourself at the interview.你得在面试时自荐自己。~employers the proposal to give their workers more time off 说服雇主同意给工人增加休息时间的建议;~one's parents on the scheme/the voters on a candidate让家长接受这个计划/选举人接受一个候选人;She is really sold on the idea of buying a new car.她被说服同意买一辆新车。

(7)出卖;放弃(原则等)(give up or dispose of (one's honourone's voteetc) for profit or a dishonourable purpose)[T+nD+n+prep(to)]:~one's honour/one's chastity/one's friend出卖荣誉/贞节/朋友;~one's soul for success为成功出卖灵魂;~one's country for money 为金钱出卖国家;Noblemen still sold themselves and their soldiers to foreign war-lords.贵族出卖自己和士兵为外国军阀效劳。〖同〗betray,sell out;

(8)欺骗,愚弄(cheat or deceive sb)[T+n(尤 pass)](infml)(旧用法):be sold over the transaction在交易中受骗了;The car we bought is no good;we've been sold.我们买的汽车不怎么样,我们上当了。

be sold on对......热衷(感兴趣)(infml):be sold on the classics/the idea of a holiday in China 对名著/到中国度假感兴趣;

be sold out (of sth)卖掉存货(门票)等:Sorry,these records are entirely sold out.(We're sold out of these records.) 抱歉,这些唱片全部卖完了。

sell sb/sth short 1)低估,轻视:Don't~yourself short.别轻视自己。make mistake of~ing one's rival short犯了低估自己对手的错误; 2)以买空卖空方式买卖:People~short when they expect the market to decline.人们在预测市价下跌时就卖空。 make a fortune on the stock exchange by~ing short.在证券交易中,借买空卖空而发财。

sell sb a pup卖给某人不值钱的东西(infml):That car caused you nothing but trouble;you were sold a real pup there.那辆车给你带来的只是麻烦,你买上当了。

sell off (v adv)甩卖(vt):The rest of the goods will be sold off at greatly reduced prices.商品的其余部分以大大降低的价格出售。

sell out (v adv) 1)售完(vt):All the eggs are sold out.鸡蛋都卖完了。I'm sorry ,we have sold out of the coffee.对不起,我们的咖啡都卖完了。2)出售全部股份,出盘(vt & vi):The small firm refused to~out.那家小公司拒绝出盘。He sold out (his shop)and retired.他卖掉自己的小店退休了。3)出卖,背叛(vt & vi):The officer was charged with~ing out to the enemy. 这个军官被指控投敌。He has sold us out. 他把我们全部出卖了。

sell up (v adv) 1)卖掉全部家产等(vi & vt):I'm thinking of~ing up and leaving the country. 我在考虑卖掉家产,离开这个国家。2)强制(债务人)出售全部财产以抵债:His creditors have sold him up. 债主强迫他变卖财产。





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