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单词 多一事不如少一事

多一事不如少一事多一事不如省一事duō yī shì bù rú shǎo yī shì

avoid trouble wherever possible; do not meet trouble halfway; let things slide whenever possible; the less trouble the better
❍ 向来主张~的赵举人也在茶馆里发表违反自家主张的议论: …… (叶圣陶《倪焕之》267) Even the county graduate Mr Zhao,who had always urged people to avoid trouble rather than make it unnecessarily,now propounded argu ments in the tea-house that were quite at variance with this principle of his: …/你才说的也是,“多一事不如省一事”。(《红楼梦》560)Of course,you were right just now in saying that it’s better not to put people to too much trouble.
❍ 你素日肯劝我~,自己保养保养也是好的。(《红楼梦》956) You’ve always advised me to let things slide whenever possible,to get more rest and keep fit./“不必就去起诉吧,”赵举人向来主张~;…… (叶圣陶《倪焕之》157) “You don’t need to go so far as taking him to court straight away,” said the county graduate,who always held that one upset less was preferable to one upset more,…/而宁愿放任各种缺点、错误在党内存在,采取“得过且过”,“~”,敷衍了事的态度,然而却又在背地里去议论人家,…… (刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》67) They would rather leave the shortcomings and mistakes alone,taking the attitude of “getting by” and “the less trouble the better”,but at the same time they talk about comrades behind their backs.

多一事不如少一事duo yi shi bu ru shao yi shi

the less trouble,the better





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