释义 |
夙兴夜寐sù xīng yè mèirise early and retire late—hard at work ❍ 福不虚至,祸亦易来,~,愿尔斯才。(陶渊明《命子》)Blessing do not come without reason,|And calamity may come easily|From arising in the morning until going to bed at night,|I hope that you will be useful. ❍ 今也妇人之所以~, 强乎纺绩织纴, 多治麻统葛绪, 捆布, 而不敢怠倦者,何也?(《诸子集成》176) The women get up at dawn and retire in the night,deligently weaving and spinning to produce much silk,flax linen,and cloth,and dare not be negligent. Why do they do this?/~,洒扫庭内,维民之章。(《诗经·大雅·抑》)Rise early,and go late to sleep; | Sprinkled and swept your courtyard keep:—|Thus to your people pattern be./……使妇人行此,则必不能,~,纺绩织纴。(《诸子集成》108) …andthe women cannot rise early and retire late to weave and spin. ❍ 三岁为妇,靡室劳矣。~,靡有朝矣。(《诗经·卫风·亡民》) Three years of life I was your wife,And laboured in your house;|I early rose,late sought repose,|And so fulfilled my vows. 夙兴夜寐sù xīnɡ yè mèi夙:早;兴:起来;寐:睡觉。早起晚睡。形容很勤快,辛苦。hard at work night and day, rise early and retire late, get up early and go to bed late |