释义 |
多duōⅠ ❶ (数量大) many;much;more:请你 ~ ~ 帮助。 Please give me all the help you can. 人 ~ 议论 ~ ,热气高,干劲大。 More people mean a greater ferment of ideas,more enthusiasm and more energy. 他在这城里认识的人非常 ~。 He knows a great many people in this city. 我们还有很 ~ 工作要做。 We have a lot more work to do. ❷ (比原来的数目有所增加) more than the correct or required number;too many:你 ~ 给了我两个。 You gave me two too many. 他 ~ 喝了一点。 He's had a drop too much. 她话说得太 ~。 She talks too much. 我在那里 ~ 住了几天。 I stayed there a few days longer. ❸ (过份的;不必要的) excessive;too much:~ 疑 oversensitive;oversuspicious;given to suspicion Ⅱ (用在量词前表示概数):他曾 ~ 次访问天津。 He's visited Tianjin many times. 铁有 ~ 种用处。 Iron has a variety of uses. Ⅲ (用在数量词后,表示有零头) more;over;odd:四个 ~ 月 more than four months;four months and more;50 ~ 岁 over fifty years old; 全书2,000 ~ 页。 It's a book of 2,000-odd pages. Ⅳ (超出原有的或应有的数量或限度) exceed a number:~ 一个人就 ~ 一分力量。 If we get one more person,we will become stronger. 南方 ~ 水,利于灌溉。 Irrigation is easy in the South because of the abundance of water. 这个句子 ~ 了一个字。 There is one word too many in this sentence. Ⅴ (姓氏) a surname:~ 军 Duo Jun Ⅵ ❶ (用在疑问句里,问程度、数量):你女儿 ~ 大了? How old is your daughter? ❷ (用在感叹句里,表示程度很高):~ 美的声音啊 ! What a beautiful voice! 看她 ~ 精神! Look how energetic she is! ❸ (表示任何一种程度):给我一根绳子,~ 长都行。 Give me a piece of rope,any length will do. 有 ~ 大劲使 ~ 大劲。 Use all your strength. ❹ (相差程度大) much more;far more:难得 ~ much more difficult; 病人今天好 ~ 了。 The patient is much better today. 他比我年纪小得 ~。 He is younger than I by much.;He is much younger than I. ◆多半 (超过半数) the greater part;most;(大概) probably;most likely; 多倍体 polyploid; 多臂机 {纺} dobbie;dobby;dobby machine; 多边 multilateral; 多边形 {数} polygon; 多变 changeable;changeful;varied; 多病 susceptible to diseases;constantly ill; 多波段 multiband; 多波束 multi-beam;multiple-beam; 多才多艺 versatile;gifted in many ways;be able to put one's hand to many things;have ability in many different ways;have much talent;have several different skills [qualities];possessing numerous gifts and considerable arts; 多财善贾 Being good at business,one is weal ̄thy.;A wealthy person knows how to do business.;Given the facilities,success is assured.;Plenty of capital makes it easy to trade.; 多层 multichamber;multilayer;multiple coat;multiple-life;multiple-story;multiwall; 多层次 the multiple echelons (of administration);different levels (of combination);multilevel;multilayer; 多产作家 prolific writer; 多重 multiple; 多愁善感 always melancholy and moody;be prone to illness and melancholy;disposed to contemplate misery;given to earnest melancholy musing;hearts and flowers;oversensitive;sadly thoughtful;sentimental;sentimentality; 多处理机 multiprocessor;{自} multiprocessing system; 多触点 multiconductor;multiple-contact; 多此一举 make an unnecessary move;bring sth. of which there is plenty;burn daylight;carry [send] coals to Newcastle;fan the breezes;knock at an open door;take a superfluous action;The action [measure;step] just taken was really unnecessary.;water one's grass after a good rain; 多次 many times;time and again;repeatedly;on many occasions; 多单元 polycell;mult-unit; 多弹头 multiple warhead; 多刀 multicut;multitool;multiple-tool; 多道 multiple;multichannel; 多地址 {计} multiple-address;multiaddress; 多点 multiple spot;multipoint; 多点式 point mode;multiple-point; 多电极 multi-electrode;polyelectrode; 多端 multiport; 多段 multistage;multi- step; 多多少少 more or less;in some degree;to a certain degree; 多多益善 The more the better.;All and sundry will be turned to good account.;The more the merrier.;Plenty is no plague.; 多发病 frequently-occurring disease;frequently encountered disease; 多发性 multiple; 多方 in many ways;in every way;with various devices; 多方面 many-sided;in many ways;multiaspect; 多分子 polymolecular; 多哥 Togo; 多功能 multifunctional; 多功能操作系统 multifunctional operating system; 多功能镭射影碟机 multi laser disc player; 多股 stranded;multistrand; 多寡 number;amount; 多管 multitube;multitubular;{军} multibarrel; 多管闲事 put one's finger into another's pie;be a busybody;have an oar in every man's boat;overbusy;poke one's nose into sb.'s affairs;poke one's nose into what isn't one's business;put [thrust] one's oar in ...;stick [poke] one's nose into other people's business; 多辊(式) multiple roll;multi-roll; 多国 multinational;multilateral;cross-country; 多核 multinuclear; 多环 multiple ring[loop];polycyclic; 多会儿 [口] (什么时侯) when;(任一时间) ever;at any time; 多极 {电} multipolar;multipole;multiple-electrode; 多级 {化} multistage;{电} notching;multistep;multi- level; 多进制 multi-system;multi-level system;N-nary system; 多晶 polycrystal; 多径 multipath; 多孔 multiaperture;multihole;porous; 多口词 {曲艺} rhymed dialogue performed by more than two persons; 多口相声 cross talk [comic dialogue] performed by more than two persons; 多跨 {建} multispan; 多快好省 achieve greater,faster,better and more economical results;better,faster and more economically; 多亏 thanks to;owing to;fortunately;luckily; 多劳多得 get more pay for more work done;More pay for more work.;One who does more work gets more pay.;The more you work,the more you earn.;Those who did more work would get more work-points.;Those who work harder will earn more.; 多粒子 multiparticle; 多路 multichannel;multipath; 多脉冲 multiple-pule;multi-pule; 多么 how;what; 多媒体 multimedia; 多媒体电脑 multimedia computer; 多媒体服务台 multimedia kiosk; 多媒体软件 multimedia software; 多媒体数据库 multimedia database; 多媒体信息咨询系统 multimedia information system (MIS); 多米尼加 Dominica; 多米诺骨牌 domino(es); 多面 multiaspect; 多面角 {数} polyhedral angle;solid angle; 多面手 a many-sided person;(a) Jack of all trades;men of many-sided abilities;a versatile person [man];an all-rounder;generalist; 多面体 polyhedral;polyhedron;polytope; 多民族国家 multinational country;multinational state;multi-nationality country; 多明我会 Ordo Dominicanorum;the Dominican Order; 多谋善断 resourceful and decisive;sagacious and resolute; 多幕剧 a play of many acts;a full-length drama;multi-act play; 多目标 multiple target; 多目标优化控制 multiobjective optimal control; 多难兴邦 Foreign aggression often awakens a nation from its slumbers and thus helps make it strong.;Much distress regenerates a nation.;Deep distress resurrects a nation.;Woe in itself is not a curse to a nation,rather it elicits the best in a nation and makes it thrive.; 多瑙河 the Danube; 多年 many years; 多年生 {植} perennial;perennation; 多尿 diuresis;urorrhagia; 多片 multi- disc;multiplate;multiple chip;multichip;multi-plate; 多频 multifrequency; 多普勒 Doppler; 多谱扫描器 multispectral scanning device; 多枪 multiple gun;multigun; 多情 full of tenderness or affection (for a person of the opposite sex);passionate;[希] acracholia; 多刃 multiple-cutting-edge; 多如牛毛 as many as the hairs on an ox — innumerable;countless;too numerous to enumerate; 多色 polychrome;multicolour; 多少 (指数量的大小) number;amount;(或多或少) somewhat;more or less;to some extent; 多少 (问数量) how many;how much;(表示不定的数量) so much;as much as; 多神教 polytheism; 多神经 polyneural;polyneuric; 多声道 multichannel; 多时 a long time; 多事 (管闲事) meddlesome;(事故多) eventful; 多事之秋 an eventful year [period];troubled times;year of many troubles;a period of trouble;a year of many troubles; 多数 majority;most;plural;pluri-;多胎 {动} polyembryony; 多肽 polypeptide; 多糖 {化} polysaccharide;polysaccharose; 多体 multi-body;multimer; 多通道 multichannel; 多通路 multiple-pass;multipath;multichannel;multiport(ed); 多头 (买空的证券投机商) bull;long;(多个端头或点) multipoint;multi-start;multi-thread(ed);multihead(ed); {生} (多头的) pluriceps; 多退少补 The balances will be paid to either side as the case may be.;return the overcharge and demand payment of the shortage;refund for any overpayment or a supplemental payment for any deficiency; 多维 many dimensions; 多系统 multisystem; 多细胞生物 multicellutlar organism; 多线 multi-thread;multiconductor;multiwire;multistrand; 多项式 multinomial;polymerization;polynome;poly ̄nomial;polynomial expression; 多相 polyphase;multiphase;{化} heterogeneous;inhomogeneous; 多向 multiway;multidirection; 多效 multiple-effect; 多谢(多谢) Thank you very much.;Many thanks!;Thanks a lot!;Thank you so much.;Much obliged.;Profuse thanks.;Profuse gratitude.;How can I thank you enough?;How can I ever thank you?;I am greatly indebted to you.;I am grateful to you.;I'm thankful to you.; 多心 oversensitive;suspicious; 多芯(的) multicore; 多信道 {讯} multichannel; 多形 multiform;polymorphic; 多行不义必自毙 The wages of sin is death.;He who is unjust is doomed to destruction.; 多学科 multidisciplinary; 多学科研究 multi-disciplinary studies; 多样 various;varied; 多样化 diversify;make varied;diversification; 多一半 the greater part;most;most likely;probably; 多一事不如少一事 It's better to save trouble.;the less trouble the better;avoid trouble whenever possible;don't meet trouble halfway; 多疑 oversensitive;suspicious; 多义 {语} ambiguity; 多音节 multisyllable; 多用 multipurpose; 多用户 multi-user;multiple-access; 多用途 multi-role;multipurpose; 多余 unnecessary;more than what is due;surplus;superfluous;uncalled-for;redundance;superfluity;excess; 多雨 rainy; 多语种 plurilingual; 多育 many births;{植} proliferation; 多元 multielement;polybasic;multivari ̄ant; 多元分析 multivariate analysis; 多元检索 multi-aspect retrieval; 多元论 pluralism; 多元思维 multiple thinking; 多元素 multielement;polyelement; 多源 multisource; 多云 cloudy;broken sky; 多灾多难 be dogged by bad luck;always dogged by misfortunes;ill-starred;calamitous;a chapter of accidents;be plagued by frequent ills;come upon a series of misfortunes;dogged with misfortunes and mishaps; 多站制综合信道测控系统 multi-station general path survey control system; 多脂 greasiness;{医} polypionia;polysarcia;obesitas;obesity; 多汁 succulence; 多种 multiple;various;diversified; 多种多样 varied;in varied forms;manifold; 多种经营 diversified economy;diversification;engage in diverse economic undertakings;diversification of the rural economy;diversify the economy;diversifying opera ̄tion; 多周期 multicycle; 多轴 multiaxis;multiple spindle;multispindle;polyaxis; 多子多孙 have many sons and grandsons; 多足 polypody; 多组 multigroup;multiple-unit; 多嘴 (不该说而说) speak out of turn;gossipy;long-tongued;shoot off one's mouth;talk too much or out of place;{机} (多喷嘴的) multinozzle; 多嘴多舌 gossipy and meddlesome; long-tongued;have a loose tongue;be loose-tongued;loquacious |