孽[孼]niè ❶ (旧时指庶子) the son of a concubine ❷ (旧时指旁支) collateral branch (of a family) ❸ [书] (灾害, 灾祸) calamity; disaster ❹ (邪恶; 罪恶) evil; sin: 妖 ~ evildoer; monster; 作 ~ do evil; commit a sin; 自己作的 ~ 最难熬。 The evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear. ◆孽海情天 the sea of degradation and sentiments; tumultuous sea of love between man and woman; 孽胎祸根 a truly incorrigible (young) son; 孽因 sinful cause; 孽障 evil creature; vile spawn |