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(构词成分): ~ 俟 [- qí] a surname: ~ 俟咏 Moqi Yong
另见 see also wàn。


❶ (数目; 十个千) ten thousand: 百 ~ million
❷ (比喻很多) a very great number; myriad; many; all: ~ 民 all common people; ~ 国博览会 international fair; ~ 事 ~ 物 myriads of things; all nature Ⅱ (极; 很; 绝对) absolutely; extremely; by all means: ~ 难推辞 extremely difficult to say“no” Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 斯大 Wan Sida
另见 see also mò。
◆万般 all the different kinds; utterly; extremely; 万般皆下品, 唯有读书高 To be a scholar is to be the top of society.; All occupations are base, only book-learning is exalted.; Only the learned rank high, all other trades are low.; 万般无奈 have no alternative (but to); absolutely bored; 万宝全书 person who knows everything; a master of everything; be a universal genius; 万变不离其宗 The methods used may vary, but the principle is the same.; change ten thousand times without departing from the original aim or stand; in none of his change has he departed from his stand; in various guises to serve the single purpose (of ...); No matter how many changes one has made, he has not departed from his line.; The central theme remains the same.; 万不得已 cannot but ...; as a last resort;be forced (to do it); do ... against one's will; have no alternative; have no other choice but ...; out of absolute necessity; 万不失一 not one lost [missed] in ten thousand; no danger of anything going wrong; no risk at all; absolutely [perfectly] safe; 万测仪 pantometer; 万尺高楼起于累土 A building ten thousand feet high must be constructed from its very base.; 万川归海而不盈 Ten thousand rivers flow into the sea, but the sea is never full.; 万次闪光灯 {摄} multitime flash lamp; 万代 all ages; 万端 multifarious; 万恶 extremely evil; absolutely vicious; diabolic; 万恶淫为首 Lewdness is the worst of all sins.; 万方 (各地) all places; (多种多样) extremely; incomparably; 万方多难 natural disasters and man-made calamities everywhere; 万分 very much; extremely; 万分之一 dimi ... dm (= 10-4); 万夫不当 be mightier than thousand; Any number of men cannot withstand him.; ... can overcome even ten thousand soldiers; have the strength that ten thousand men cannot withstand; Ten thousand men cannot prevail against him.; 万夫不当之勇 a match for ten thousand warriors; strength and bravery which ten thousand men cannot resist; dare take on ten thousand men; 万夫之勇 brave enough to match ten thousand warriors; be a host in oneself; 万福[旧] wish you all happiness or good luck — a form of greeting by women with fold ̄ed hands moving about at the lower right side; 万古 through the ages; eternally; forever; 万古不变 eternal and immutable [unchangeable]; neverchanging; the same for all the times; 万古长存 remain forever; be everlasting; be immortal; last forever; (One's reputation) lives forever.; remain immortal; 万古长[常]青 be evergreen; be forever green; evergreen and everlasting; ever-living; flourish forever; last forever; remain fresh forever; 万古流芳 will be remembered throughout the ages; have a niche in the temple of fame; leave a good name to posterity; 万古千秋 through all eternity [the ages]; eternally; forever; 万贯 ten million cash; 万贯家财 vast wealth; very rich [wealthy]; 万国宝通银行 First National City Bank (美国); 万国博览会 world's fair; 万国邮政联盟 Universal Postal Union; 万户更新 All houses take on a new look.; 万户侯 high position; 万户萧疏 Thousands of homes were deserted.; 万花筒 phantoscope; kaleidoscope; artascope; 万机 a myriad of state affairs; 万家灯火 lamps and candles of a myriad families; a myriad lights in the valley; a myraid twinkling lights (of a city); 万家生佛 a living Buddha to 10,000 families — a benefactor to all; 万箭攒心 One's heart ached as if pierced by ten thousand arrows.; (felt) as if one's heart had been pierced with a thousand arrows; (He felt his) heart pierced by a thousand arrows.; 万箭齐发 The thousand arrows shot at once.; 万劫不复 doomed eternally; beyond redemption; everlasting perdition; 万劫莫赎 cannot atone for it in a myriad ages (of suffering); Countless ages could not atone for it.; 万金家书 A letter from folks at home is worth ten thousand pieces of gold.; 万金油 a balm for treating headaches, scalds and other minor ailments; Jack of all trades and master of none; 万金之躯 one's priceless self; 万苦千辛 face unnumerable difficulties; spare no pains; set one's shoulders to the wheel; severe toils; innumerable trials and tribulations; 万籁 [书] all sounds; 万籁俱寂[无声] All sounds are still.; A profound silence prevailed over all.; All sounds are hushed.; All nature was hushed.; All sounds of nature stopped — complete silence of the night.; All was peace and quiet and the universe seemed a stretch of long silence.; All is still.; All is quiet.; Silence reigns supreme.; Every sound is muted.; Silence reigns everywhere.; The air is very still.; 万里长城 the Great Wall; 万里长空 the vastness of heaven; the boundless sky; 万里长征 go on a journey of thousands of miles; a long march of ten thousand li; the Long March; 万里江山 vast territory of the motherland; 万里晴空 a clear and boundless sky; a sky without a speck of cloud; vast clear sky; 万里挑一 Not one like ... can be found in ten thousand.; 万里迢迢 over a great distance; thousands of miles away; very far away; 万里无云 cloudless; 万灵药 catholicon; elixir; 万流赴壑 countless things converging on the same spot; 万隆 Bandung; 万缕千丝 countless ties; be linked in a hundred and one ways; innumerable links; 万绿丛中一点红 a single red flower in the midst of thick foliage; 万马奔腾 Ten thousand steeds gallop.; (like) ten thousand horses galloping ahead — going steam ahead; ten thousand horses stampeding; 万马齐喑 Ten thousand horses stand mute.; 万米 myriametre; 万民劝进 Thousands upon thousands of people sent in requests begging someone to ascend the throne.; 万目睽睽 All eyes centered on ...; All eyes are fixed on sb. or sth.; All eyes are staring.; 万难 extremely difficult; utterly impossible; all diffculties; 万能 omnipotent; all-powerful; universal; all-purpose; 万能灵药 catholicon; cure-all; nostrum; panacea; 万年 ten thousand years; all ages; eternity; 万年历 permanent calendar; perpetual calendar; 万年青 {植} Rohdea [Rhodea] japonica; evergreen; 万年雪 firn; [法] névé; 万念俱焚 All hopes dashed to pieces.; 万念俱灰 All thoughts [ambitions] are blasted.; All hopes dashed to pieces.; tired of earthly life; All ideas are dashed.; 万弩齐发 All the bows are discharged at once.; like all bows discharged at once; Myriads of bolts fly through the air.; 万炮齐轰 ten thousand cannons booming; 万炮齐鸣 Thousands of guns roar at the same time.; 万千 multifarious; myriad; 万千之喜 a big joy; be extremely fortunate; be so, so happy; 万顷碧波 vast expanse of water; 万全 perfectly sound; surefire; 万全之计 a completely safe plan; an absolutely safe measure; a surefire plan; 万人坑 a large pit used as a common grave; a pit of ten thousand corpses; mass grave; 万人空巷 The whole town turns out to (welcome sb. or celebrate some event).; All the people of the place have turned out to ...; 万人莫敌 can fight one's way out and take on any challenger; 万人唾骂 Everyone spat out sb.'s name with loathing.; be scolded and spat on by the people; 万商云集 All merchants draw together like clouds.; The merchants have flocked here from all parts of the country.; 万乘之国 a big country; 万圣节酸樱桃 All saints' cherry; 万圣节宣言 All Saints Day Manifesto; 万世 all ages; generation after generation; 万世[古]留芳 be remembered throughout the ages; leave a good name for posterity; One's name will go down in history and shine forever.; One's name will remain forever as fragrant as flowers.; 万世师表 the teacher for all ages; an exemplary teacher for all ages; 万事 all things; everything; 万事从宽 take a lenient attitude toward everything; 万事达卡 Master Card; 万事大吉 Everything will be fine.; All is well and propitious.; Everything goes off without a hitch.; Everything is in order.; Everything is opportune.; Time and tide are favourable.; with (the sun of) fortune smiling; 万事大吉, 天下太平 Everything is fine and all is right with the world.; 万事亨通 Everyting goes well and smoothly.; Everything is prosperous and successful.; sail before [with] the wind; 万事俱[齐]备 Everything is ready.; complete with everything needed; Everything has been arranged.; Everything was got ready.; 万事俱备, 只欠东风 All is ready, but there is no east wind.; All is ready except what is crucial.; 万事俱休 The game is over [up].; All is over.; 万事均妥 Everything is in place.; Everything is in its proper place.; Everything was in order to proceed (with ...).; 万事起[开]头难 Everything is difficult at the start.; It is the first step that is troublesome; 万事如意 have all one's wishes; All things conspired to make (someone) happy.; Everything falls into one's lap.; Everything is as one wishes.; good luck in everything; May all go well with you!; 万事如转烛 Events change kaleidoscopically.; 万事顺吉 All things are going well.; 万事顺利 Things are going first-rate.; Everything is going well.; 万事通 know-all; 万事休矣 The game is over [up].; All is finished.; It's all up.; 万试万灵 Every time it works.; prove successful in every test; Though (the guile) be used ten thousand times, yet is ever does succeed.; 万寿菊 marigold; African marigold; French marigold; 万寿无疆 (wish sb.) a long life; Many happy returns of the day to eternity.; 万水千山 ten thousand crags and torrents — the trials of a long journey; a myriad of rivers and thousands of hills — far apart; 万死 die ten thousand deaths; risk any danger to do sth.; 万死不辞 shrink from no sacrifice; not to recoil from death; not to shrink from any sacrifice [a myriad deaths]; willing to risk any danger to do one's duty; 万死一生 only one chance in ten thousand of preserving the life; 万岁 long live; the emperor; Your Majesty; His Majesty; 万岁千秋 live a long life; die; 万万 absolutely; wholly; hundred million; 万无一失 no danger of anything going wrong; be on the safe side; ... cannot fail under any circumstances; guarantee complete success; no risk at all; not a chance of an error; (make it more than probable that) nothing will go wrong; perfectly safe; surefire; The chances are a thousand to one, we shall not fail.; 万物 all things on earth; all; 万物丛生 grow in great variety and profusion; 万物簇生 All things spring into life.; 万物皆备于我 All things under heaven are being prepared for me.; 万物之灵 the intelligent part of the universe; man — the wisest of all creatures; 万勿推辞 please do not refuse; 万向 {机} universal; 万象 every phenomenon on earth; all manifestations of nature;
万象更新 Everything looks fresh and gay.; All things change from old to new.; Everything is fresh again.; Everything takes on a completely new look.; with the beginning of another year; 万象回春 All manifestations of nature return (with) spring.; 万象森罗 everything under the sun; myriads of things; the phenomena of nature; 万幸 very lucky; very fortunate; fortunately; by sheer luck; 万一 just in case; if by any chance; contingency; eventuality; one ten thousandth; a very small percentage; 万亿 [英, 德] billion; 万应灵丹 cure-all; elixir vitae; miraculous medicine; panacea; the best medicine in the world; 万应药 cure-all; panphar ̄ macon; panacea; panchrest; 万用(电)表 multimeter; avometer; universal meter; AVO meter; circuit tester; multitester; 万用测试器 multiple-purpose tester; 万用记录器 multi-class sender; 万用接头 cardan; 万用控制器 {电工} universal controller; 万用连接器 thrift mate; 万用输出变压器 {工声} universal output transformer; 万用数字计算机 universal digital computer; 万有斥力 {物} gravitational repulsion; 万有引力 {物} gravitation; gravitational attraction; 万有在神论 {哲} panentheism; 万元户 ten-thousand-yuan a year household; 10000- yuan household; a household with an annual income of 10000 yuan; 万丈 lofty or bottomless; 万丈高楼平地起 Great oaks from little acorns grow.; High buildings rise from the ground.; start from scratch; 万丈光芒 shine in all its splendor; shine with boundless radiance; 万丈深渊 a bottomless chasm; an abyss of 100,000 feet; 万钟愁思 (abandon oneself to) the thousand unknown plaints and grievances; 万众 millions of people; the multitude; 万众欢呼 The crowd cheered vociferously.; 万众欢腾 The people dance for joy.; The whole nation is elated.; Ten thousands of people are over joyed.; 万众睢睢 All eyes are staring.; 万众一心 millions of people united as one man; All have one heart.; all of one heart; All united in one purpose.; unite as one; with one heart and one mind; 万状 in the extreme; extremely; 万紫千红 a riot of colour; a blaze of colour; a profusion of colour; innumerable flowers of purple and red; 万字浮雕 fret






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