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单词 大刀阔斧

大刀阔斧dà dāo kuò fǔ

bold and resolute; chop and hew (by big sweeps); cut the Gordian knot;drastic; go about some job unencumbered by minor details;handle without mittens (/gloves); in a sweeping manner; make snap decisions;take the bull by the horns;with sweeping lines
❍ ~,径奔清风寨来。(《水浒全传》416) The soldiers carrying great knives and battle axes went straight to the camp of Clear Winds.
❍ 然而真奇怪。向来是气魄不凡、动辄~的吴荪甫此时却沉着脸儿沉吟了。(茅盾《子夜》133) But,strange to say,Wu Sunfu,who was known for his drive and ability to make snap decisions,now hesitated and looked worried…

大刀阔斧da dao kuo fu

bold and resolute


drastic;bold and resolute
采取~的措施take drastic measures/~进行改革carry out radical reforms

大刀阔斧dà dāo kuò fǔ

大刀和阔斧都是古代的兵器。原指军队声势浩大。现多比喻办事果断、有魄力。drastic, handle without glows, hammer and tongs take, the bull by the horns, bold and resolute, make snap decisions





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