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单词 放虎归山

放虎归山纵虎归山fàng hǔ guī shān

let a caught tiger go back (/escape/return) to the mountains—cause calamity for the future
❍ 有的说:“能送死他自然是好事,送不死,一旦~,必然要伤人,”…… (赵树理《李有才板话》42) “Of course it would be fine if we could settle him for good,” said others,“but if we speak up and he still gets off,it’ll be like letting a caught tiger go back to the hills. He is sure to jump at us again…”/我要把钱放给他,不等于~? (梁斌《红旗谱》174) If I give them the money to get him out,won’t I be letting the tiger back to the moun tain?/“这叫~,给元茂屯留下个祸根。”一个戴草帽的人说道。(周立波《暴风骤雨》215) “The tiger is back in its den,and Yuanmao is still in danger,” a man in a straw-hat pronounced,…

放虎归山fang hu gui shan

set a tiger free and let it return to the mountains—breed calamity for the future

放虎归山fànɡ hǔ ɡuī shān

把老虎放回山中。比喻自留祸根。 cause calamity for the future, let the tiger return to the mountains, cause future trouble





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