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单词 七颠八倒

七颠八倒qī diān bā dǎo

all upside down; at sixes and sevens;be in a mess;hotchpotch; in a turmoil;in great confusion; like a bedlam (/madhouse);throw into topsyturvy
❍ 他心里本早打算过宝钗生日,因家中闹得~,也不敢在贾母处提起。(《红楼梦》1387) He had been wanting to celebrate his wife’s birthday,but had not ventured to suggest it to his grandmother because the household was at sixes and sevens.
❍ 家下人等见凤姐不在,也有偷闲歇力的,乱乱吵吵,已闹的~,不成事体了。(《红楼梦》1423) For some of the staff took advantage of Xifeng’s absence to play truant or slack and pandemonium reigned—it was most unseemly.
❍ 如今不幸他殁了,已得三年,家里的事,都~。(《水浒全传》302) She’s been gone three years now. My household is in a mess.
❍ 还这样把我当人,叫我帮着料理家务,被我闹的~,我还有什么脸见老太太、太太呢?(《红楼梦》1378) You treated me so well,letting me help run the household; and after turning everything upside- down how can I look you in the face again?

七颠八倒qī diān bā dào

形容非常纷乱。all up-side down, in great confusion, totter in any and all direction, be all at sevens and eights





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