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单词 恶贯满盈

恶贯满盈罪恶贯盈è guàn mǎn yíng

an arch criminal; be guilty of the worst crimes; be ridden with inexpiable crimes (/sins); be steeped in evil and deserve damnation; be sunk in sin; have a full record of crimes and misdeeds; have committed countless crimes and deserve to come to judgment
❍ 你不思报效朝廷,反敢称兵作乱,秽污神京,逼迁圣驾。这罪恶贯盈,指日天兵到来诛戮,还说什么太平筵宴?(洪昇《长生殿》)But instead of trying to serve the government well,you rebelled with your army. You have befouled the capital and forced the emperor to fly. You are an arch criminal,who will soon be put to the sword when the imperial army comes back. Who are you to talk of feasts and victory?/~今有报,不知何日得翻身。(《西游记》89) Evil,full to the brim,now meets its re tribution. We know not when he may hope to find release.
❍ 你算是~了,这次“黑风”也救不了你啦! (黎汝清《海岛女民兵》292) You’ve had your day of dirty deeds! Not even Black Wind can save you now!/~身受困,善根不绝气还升。(《西游记》92) He’s now im prisoned,for his evil’s full to the brim. By the good stock unfailing his spirit will rise again.
❍ 这都是敬神禳灾的演剧,全本里一定有一个恶人,次日的将近天明便是这恶人的收场的时候,“~”,阎王出票来勾摄了,于是乎这活的活无常便在戏台上出现。(《鲁迅选集》上—267)Such operas were performed to honour the gods and avert calamities,and each one had an evil-doer who met his end at dawn,when the cup of his sins was full and the King of Hell issued a warrant for his arrest.This was the point at which Wu Chang appeared on the stage.
❍ 今傕、汜二贼,罪恶贯盈; …… (《三国演义》120) The measure of evil of the two rebels is full,…

恶贯满盈e guan man ying

be guilty of countless crimes and deserve to come to judgment


be guilty of too many crimes to escape punishment; face retribution for one’s sum of iniquity

恶贯满盈è ɡuàn mǎn yínɡ

贯:钱串;盈:满。比喻罪恶累累,如同钱串已满、末日已到。也比喻罪大恶极。have committed one’s full share of crimes, replete with vices, full of iniquities, steeped in evil and deserve dammation





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