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单词 agree


1. yield assent 给予同意。
△H.Ⅷ.Pro.9: “Those thatcome to see/Only a show or two. and so agree/Theplay may pass.”那些只想来看一两个热闹场面、觉得这个戏还算过得去的人。
2. become of one mind,come to one opinion. come toa compromise想法取得一致,达成一致意见,达成妥协。
△H.Ⅴ.2.Cho.33:“The sum is paid.the traitors are agreed.”i.e.the traitors have come to one opinion.那笔贿款已经交付,叛贼们也达成了 一致意见.
△2H.Ⅳ.Epi.23 (22):“All the gentlewomen here have forgiven me;if the gentlemen will not,then the gentlemen do notagree with the gentlewomen.”这里所有的女士们都原谅了我;如果先生们不肯原谅,那么就是先生们跟女士们意见不一致了。
3. accord. be consistent符合,一致。
△Rom.3.1.9:“iflove be blind,/It best agrees with night.”如果爱情是盲目的,那么正好和黑夜相称。
△2H.Ⅵ.1.1.112(111):“thepoor King Reignier,whose large style/Agrees notwith the leanness of his purse.”那位穷国王瑞尼埃,他那一大套不凡的头衔可跟他那钱囊的空虚大不相称。
4. be in concord,harmonise,get on together 和谐,融洽,和好相处。
△Mer.2.2.109 (99):“How dost thouand thy master agree?”你和你的主人还合得来吗?
△2H.Ⅵ.4.2.83(73):“and I will apparel them all inone livery,that they may agree like brothers,”我要使大家都穿上同样的制服,这样大家就能像兄弟一样和谐一致。


v. 同意,与…一致,承认,适合
◇ agree by implication 默契
agree in absentia缺席同意
agree of赞同
agree on divorcing a pair协议离婚
agree on协议,议定
agree to differ各自保留不同意见
agree to do sth.同意做某事
agree with与…一致,与…符合,赞成
as agreed按照合同
be agree达成一致
have agreed as follows达成协议如下
‖ agree on the price商定价格
agreed and declared一致同意并公开宣称的
agreed announcement协议声明
agreed case两起(对于诉讼事实)都无异议的案件
agreed date约定的日期
agreed decision协议决定
agreed draft协议草案
agreed duty认定关税
agreed establishment议定编制
agreed formula商定方案
agreed interpretation协议解释
agreed minute会议纪要
agreed par value约定的平价
agreed payment约定付款
agreed period商定期限
agreed period of employment聘期
agreed port of destination约定的目的港
agreed price议定价格
agreed procedure议定程序,共同接受的程序
agreed quantity of trade议定贸易量
agreed rate协定运费率
agreed reduction议定的裁减
agreed rent商定的租金
agreed returns约定的退费
agreed statement of facts双方当事人一致赞成的事实陈述
agreed submission of a case一致同意的移交案件
Agreed Syllabus统一教学大纲
agreed tariff协定关税
agreed terms商定条件
agreed text双方一致同意的文本,认定文本
agreed time frame议定时限
agreed timetable议定时间表
agreed valuation协定价值
agreed value约定价值
agreeable adj.令人愉快的,一致的
◇ be agreeable to与…符合 agreeable feeling适意感情
agreement n. 同意,协议,契约,合同
◇ arrive at an agreement达成协议/a verbal agreement口头协定
be against the agreement违反协议
break an agreement背约
by agreement同意,约好
come to an agreement达成协议
comply with the agreement遵守协议
conclude an agreement订约
draw up (draft) an agreement起草协议
enter into an agreement订约
implement the provisions of an agreement执行协议条款
in agreement同意,持相同意见
in agreement with同意
make an agreement达成协议
make an agree with=arrive at an …达成协议
sign an agreement签署协议
tear up an agreement撕毁协议
written agreement书面协议a gentleman’s agreements君子协定
agreement account协定账目
agreement and understanding 协议和谅解
agreement by piece 计件制
agreement clause 合同条款
agreement coefficient 吻合系数
agreement country协定缔约国
agreement disputes合同纠纷
agreement expiry合同期满
agreement for the avoidance of double taxation避免双重征税协定
agreement in intent意向协议书agreement in writing书面协议
agreement management合同经营
agreement number协议书号码,合同号
Agreement of Charge 费用承担协议
agreement officer合约人员,合约公务员
agreement officer on annual leave terms按年假条款雇用的合约公务员
agreement of intent意向协议书
Agreement of Labour Protection劳动保护协议
Agreement of Lyubech利贝奇协议(1027年)/agreement of mandate委任契约
agreement of reimbursement偿付协议
agreement of separation夫妻分居协议
Agreement of the International Monetary Fund国际货币基金协定
Agreement on Government Procurement World Trade Organization 《政府采购协定》/agreement-signing ceremony签约仪式
agreement to sell经销合同
Agreement of the People(英国)人民公约(1647年)/agreement of transfer转让合同
agreement on commerce通商协定
agreement on compensation补偿协定
agreement on customs valuation海关估价协议
agreement on divorce协议离婚
agreement price协议价格,合同价
Agreement relating to Application of the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration关于执行欧洲国际商事仲裁公约的协定(1962年)agreement sterling英镑支付协定
agreement system合同制
agreement tariff协定关税
agreement terms合约条款
agreement terms of appointment合约聘用制
agreement to draw同意和棋
agreement to pay支付协议
agreement to sell经销协议
agreement trial统一试评
agreement version合同文本
agreement wage协议工资
agreement writers合同作家
agreement year协定年度
bilateral agreement双边协定
blanket agreement总协定
collateral agreement附属协定
contractor's agreement(会展)承包协议
contractual agreement 合同
final agreement最后协定
Geneva Agreement日内瓦协议(1954年)/intention agreement意向协定
joint agreement 联合协定
lend-lease agreement租借协定
letter of agreement 协议书
non-governmental agreement民间协定,非政府协定
oral agreement 口头协议
Paris Agreement巴黎协定(1973年)/partial agreement部分同意
phased agreement分阶段协定
preliminary agreement初步协议
supplementary agreement补充协定





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