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单词 guide


vt. manage,handle 安排,处理。
△H.VIII.1.1.45:“Who did guide,”是谁安排的?


v.引导,导航,指导,带路,控制,制导,管理,灯光控制,舞台管理/ n.指导,领队,先导,领路人,入门,指引,基准兵(部队),基准舰,导向装置
◇be guided by根据
guide on me以我为基准
guide on line基准兵就位
‖ guide book指南,参考手册
guide card指引卡
Guide for Directors of Listed Companies《上市公司董事指南》 /guide line(指导)方针,(指导)原则,准则,指导路线
guideline figure预定目标数字
Guideline on Corporate Governance of Locally Incorporated Authorized Institutions 《本地注册认可机构的企业治理指南》 / Guideline on Rol e of the Receiving Bank in New Share Issues 《收款银行在新股发行中扮演的角色指南》 / Guidelines for Registered Persons Using the Internet to Collect Applications for Securities in an Initial Public Offering 《关于注册人在首次公开发售中利用互联网收集证券认购申请的指南》/Guidelines on Hedge Funds Reporting Requirements 《对冲基金汇报规定指南》 /Guidelines on the Vetting and Regulation of Applications for Listing on the GEM in Hong Kong by Mainland Enterprises《境内企业申请到香港创业板上市审批与监管指南》 /Guidelines on Waivers of Certain Licensing Fees 《宽免缴付若干牌照费用的指南》 /guide means导向装置
guide number闪光指数
guide of fleet ship舰队旗舰
Guide on Departmental Complaints Procedure 《部门投诉程序指南》 / Guide on disclosure of price-sensitive information 《股价敏感数据披露指引》 / Guide on Human Resource Management 《人力资源管理指南》 / guide position制导位置
guide price指导价
guide rational consumption合理引导消费
guide specifications指导性规范
guide to appointment聘任指南
Guide to Retirement 《退休指南》/ guide track控制声带
guide word眉题
guided aircraft missile机载导弹
guided air defense rocket防空导弹
guided antitank missile反坦克导弹
guided ballistic missile弹道导弹
guided bomb导弹
guided democracy引导式民主,有领导的民主
guided flight制导飞行
guided interview引导式访问
guided learning定向学习
guided missile导弹
guided missile accelerometer导弹加速度计
guided missile attack导弹袭击
guided missile battery导弹连
guided missile battalion导弹营
guided missile bombardment导弹轰击
guided missile brigade导弹大队
guided missile control导弹制导
guided missile cruiser导弹巡洋舰
guided missile destroyer导弹驱逐舰
guided missile escort ship导弹护卫舰
guided missile exercise head导弹训练用弹头
guided missile fire导弹发射
guided missile firing range导弹试验场
guided missile group导弹大队
guided missile launcher导弹发射装置
guided missile launching set导弹发射设备
guided missile unit导弹部队
guided propagation引导传播
guided radar导向雷达
guided reading指导性阅读
guided target靶弹
guided tour有导游的旅游
guided vehicle导弹
guided weapon制导武器
guiding according to one’s type分类指导
guiding idea主导观念
guiding ideology for running a school办学思想
guiding post标志杆
guiding price指导价
guiding principle指导原则,纲领
guidable adj. 可引导的,可指导的
guideboard n.路牌
guidebook n.指南,入门书
guideless adj.无向导的,无指导的,无管理的
guideline n.指南,标志线,方针,准则,指导路线
guiding n.引导,导航,指导,导向,控制,制导
adj. 引导的,指导的,导向的
guidepost n.路标
guider n.导向器
guiderod n.导棒
guideway n.导轨,导向槽
guiding n. 引导,指导,导向,控制
guiding-mark n.校正轮廓的依据
guidance n. 引导,导航
◇guidance on launching发射制导
under the guidance of在…指导下,在…引导下
guidance and control area制导和指挥区
guidance antenna制导天线
guidance bay制导舱
guidance building制导室
guidance centre辅导中心
guidance clinic辅导诊所
guidance command制导命令
guidance compartment制导设备舱
guidance computer导航计算机
guidance controller导引控制器
guidance countermeasure制导对抗
guidance crew制导组
guidance equipment制导设备
guidance instruction制导指令
guidance learning指导学习
guidance malfunction制导设备失灵
guidance material辅导资料
guidance method辅导法
guidance module制导舱
guidance network制导网
guidance note指导性说明
Guidance Note for Short Selling Reporting and Stock Lending Record Keeping Requirements《有关申报卖空活动及备存证券借出纪录规定指南》 /Guidance Note on Competence 《持牌人胜任能力指南》 / Guidance Note on Incidental Investment Advice Provided by Solicitors and Accountants 《关于律师及会计师提供附带投资意见指南》 / Guidance Note on Position Limits and Large Open Position Reporting Requirements 《持仓限额及大额未平仓合约的申报规定指南》 / Guidance Note on the Application of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance to Contract Notes 《有关电子交易条例内适用于成交单据规定的指南》 /guidance notes指南
guidance officer指导员,制导军官
guidance package制导设备(部件)/ guidance path制导弹道
guidance platoon制导排
guidance post制导站
guidance principles for education教育方针
guidance radar制导雷达
guidance sensitivity制导灵敏度
guidance sensor制导传感器
guidance service辅导服务
guidance signal制导信号
guidance site制导场
guidance system制导
guidance teacher辅导教师
guidance van制导车





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