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单词 恶语中伤

恶语中伤恶语伤人è yǔ zhòng shāng

calumniate; cast aspersions on (/slurs at) sb; give sb a lick with the rough side of one’s tongue; give sb a back-cap; malign (/insinuate/slander) sb viciously; put a slur upon sb; speak hard words to break sb’s bones; speak ill of sb; sling (/fling/throw)mud at sb
❍ 你所说的纯属~! What you have said is merely dirty slander!/他对自己的朋友不该这样~。He shouldn’t have said such awful things about his friend.
❍ 别人行甜言美语三冬暖,我根前恶语伤人六月寒。(王实甫《西厢记》三·二) Sweet good words put in by others will warm me for three winters,whereas your vicious slander in front of me has made me shiver in June.

恶语中伤è yǔ zhònɡ shānɡ

中伤:污蔑人,使人受到损害。用恶毒的言辞诽谤他人,使其受到伤害。viciously slander, cast (throw) aspersions on sb., speak daggers to, calumniate, attack with vicious words





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