释义 |
恶言恶语恶言泼语è yán è yǔfoul and provocative language; malicious and abusive lan guage ❍ 那童子将那前山门,二山门,通都上了锁。却又来正殿门首,恶语恶言,贼前贼后,只骂到天色将晚,方去吃饭。(《西游记》338) The lads then went to lock both the front gate and the second gate before returning to the main hall to revile them once more with the most abusive language. Calling them thieves again and again,the two lads assailed them until it was late. ❍ 那九个凶神,恶言泼语,在门前骂战哩!(《西游记》66)Those nine evil gods are using foul and provocative language to challenge us to fight. |