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单词 七零八落

七零八落qī líng bā luò

all (in) a huddle (/mess); be scattered in all directions;be scattered about here and there; in (a state of utter) disorder
❍ 目前,北平正在酝酿成立统一的学联,北大的学生组织还~,…… (杨沫《青春之歌》489) A unified student federation is to be set up in Beiping. The student organizations in our university are still isolated and scattered.
❍ 桥叫炸弹一崩,钢轨弯了,板子飞的~,……(杨朔《三千里江山》22) The bridge was hit; the rails became crooked and the boards were scattered in all directions.
❍ 钱大队长带着~的队伍,已经一口气跑了十几里。(徐光耀《平原烈火》15) With Commander Qian at its head,the battalion,in ragged formation,had run four miles without a stop.
❍ 唉,唉,象个什么! 一家人~! (《茅盾文集》Ⅶ—352)Ai!What would our family come to—scattering to the four winds!

七零八落qi ling ba luo

scattered here and there


scattered here and there; in disorder

七零八落qī línɡ bā luò

零:零乱、零碎。形容散乱不整齐。in disorder, falling apart, at six and seven, in scattered confusion





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