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单词 一问三不知

一问三不知yī wèn sān bù zhī

be entirely ignorant;not know anything; deny all knowledge of an event;shake one’s head in answer to all questions
❍ 王红眼要是追问我,我给他个~,……(《高玉宝》37)If Wang asks me,I’ll tell him I don’t know anything.
❍ 况且一个是美人灯儿,风吹吹就坏了;一个是拿定了主意,‘不干己事不张口,一问摇头三不知’,也难十分去问他。(《红楼梦》705) One’s a lovely paper lantern which a puff of wind will blow out;and it’s no use asking the other anything,as she’s made up her mind not to open her mouth about matters that don’t concern her,but to shake her head in answer to all questions.

一问三不知yi wen san bu zhi

say“I don’t know” to every question—not know a thing


say “I don’t know” to every question—not know a thing;be completely in the dark

一问三不知yī wèn sān bù zhī

比喻对实际情况一点也不了解。not know a thing, be entirely ignorant, deny all knowledge of an event





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