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❶ (用锅或铛在旺火上炒) quick- fry;sauté:~ 牛肉片 quick-fried sliced beef
❷ (烘焙) dry by heat:湿衣服搁在热坑上,一会儿就 ~ 干了。 Put the damp clothes on a hot kang and they'll soon dry.
另见 see also páo;pào 。
◆炮凤烹龙 roasted pheonix and quickfried dragon;rich and rare dishes


❶ [书] (用烂泥涂裹食物置火中煨烤) roast or bake: 有兔斯首, ~ 之燔之。 The rabbit's meat is fine / When baked or roasted up.
❷[书] (焚烧) burn; set on fire
❸{中医} (把生药放在热铁锅里炒,使焦黄爆裂) prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan
❹ [书] (烹调) cook (dishes) Ⅱ (热; 烫) very hot Ⅲ [书] (厨师) cook
另见 see also bāo; pào。
◆炮格 a kind of cruel torture in ancient times; 炮炼 remove the moisture and impurity from Chinese medical herbs by heating; 炮烙 a form of cruel punishment in ancient times; 炮制 {中医} prepare (Chinese medicine); processing drugs; dish up; concoct; cook up


❶ (火炮) big gun; cannon; artillery piece: 放 ~ fire a gun; 一门大 ~ a piece of artillery; a cannon; a gun; 大 ~ 轰鸣。 The cannon thundered [booms].
❷ (爆竹) firecrackers: 花 ~ fireworks and firecrackers
❸(爆破土石等在凿眼里装上炸药后叫作炮) a blasthole filled with dynamite
❹{体} (象棋棋子的一种) cannon, one of the pieces in Chinese chess
另见 see also bāo; páo。
◆炮兵 artillery; artillerymen; 炮车 gun carrier; artillery prime mover; gun bogie; 炮弹 (artillery) cannonball; shell; cartridge; bullet; 炮管 gun barrel; fouling; 炮轰 bombard; shell; 炮灰 cannon fodder; 炮火 artillery fire; gunfire; 炮火连天 Gunfire licks the heavens.; 炮击 cannonry; bombard; shell; cannonade; mortar; gunfire; 炮架 carriage; bogie; bogey; bogy; gun carriage; gun mount; 炮舰 gunboat; 炮口 gun muzzle; mouth; 炮楼 gun turret; blockhouse; 炮瞄雷达 fire control radar; gun-pointing radar; gunfire control radar; gun-laying radar; gun directing radar; 炮身 barrel; barrel assembly; 炮声 the sound of artillery; thunder of guns; report of gun; roar of guns; 炮手 gunner; artilleryman; gun crew; cannoneer; cannonier; 炮栓 breechblock; 炮闩 breechblock; breech mechanism;
炮塔 turret; casemate; gun turret; chin turret; 炮台 {军} battery; fort barbette; 炮膛 bore; 炮艇 gunboat; 炮筒 gun barrel; barrel (of a gun); 炮筒子 a person who shoots off his mouth; the barrel of a gun; a hot-headed person; an out-spoken person; ready to express one's own point of view; 炮尾 {军} breech; breech ring; gun breech; 炮位 emplace ̄ ment; battery; fort; 炮箱 receiver; 炮眼 {军} porthole; embrasure; port; {矿} blasthole; dynamite hole; borehole; 炮衣 gun cover; 炮战 artillery action; armoured engagement; 炮仗 firecracker; cracker; 炮阵地 artillery position; 炮子儿 small shell; bullet; 炮座 barbette; gun platform


baking; roasting; frying





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