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单词 send
send/send/ v sentsent/sent/]

(1)寄,发,送,差,派(cause (sb) to goor (sth) to be carriedwithout going oneself)[T+nT+n+prep (to),T+n+advD+n+nD+n+prep (to)]:~money/information邮寄钱/发出信息;I sent all the mail yesterday.我昨天发出了所有信件。~(sb) a letter/a fax/a telegram/a message给(某人)寄封信/发传真/拍电报/带口信;~a parcel/a postcard/a present 寄包裹/明信片/一件礼物;~children to school 送孩子们去上学;~supplies to the disaster area by airlift 把救济物品空运到灾区;He was sent to the chemist's to collect the medicine.派他去药店买药。~out the wedding invitations发出婚礼请柬;~one's breakfast up/the book back 把早饭送上楼/书送到原处;She sent me a book.(She sent a book to me.) 她寄给我一本书。〖反〗keep,receive;

(2)用无线电(传)送(信号,电波等)(transmit (a message etc by radio))[T+nT+n+adv (out)]:The radio operator on the ship sent (out) signals (an appeal) for help.船上的无线电话务员发出求救信号(呼吁)。〖同〗transmit,broadcast;

(3)发出信息(send a message)[I+to-inf](infml):~to warn sb送信警告某人;~to wake sb 派人叫醒某人;She~s to tell them she couldn't come. 她带信告诉他们说她不能来了。

(4)使迅速移动(cause or force sth to move quicklyby releasinghittingthrowingetc)[T+n+prepT+n+advC+n+ing]:The mortars sent shells (right) across the enemy lines迫击炮将炮弹射进敌人的防线。His blow sent the man (right) across the room. 他一拳把这个人打到房间的那一边。The news sent the stock market up. 这个消息使股市上扬。The increase in supply sent the prices of coffee down.供应不断增加使咖啡价格下落。 The wind sent the vase crashing to the ground. 风把花瓶刮倒摔在地上。 The noise sent them racing towards the bush. 听到声响,他们迅速冲向灌木丛。 A phone call sent him hurrying to London.(fig) 一个电话使他连忙赶去伦敦。〖同〗throw,drive;

(5)使变得(cause to be or become)[C+n+adj]:~sb crazy/wild/insane/berserk使某人发狂/愤怒/疯狂/勃然大怒;Her untidiness/The pain/The noise/The music will~me mad. 她的懒散/这种疼痛/这种噪音/这种音乐会使我发疯。

(6)使进入(特定)状态(bring or drive into some state or condition)[T+nprep (to/into)]:~sb to sleep/to his ruin使某人入睡/毁灭;~sb into a panic/a frenzy/laughter使某人惊慌失措/精神狂乱/一阵大笑;The news sent people into great excitement这个消息使人们非常兴奋。The long delay sent the train passengers into a frustrated rage. 火车长时间晚点使旅客们陷入失望的愤怒之中。

(7)使十分激动(兴奋)(cause to feel very excited and happydelight)[T+n](infml)(旧用法):This music/His trumpet really~s me.这种音乐/他的喇叭声令我兴奋。

send (sb/sth) flying 使被抛向各处:As she shut the door carelessly,newspapers on the table were sent flying. 她随便一下把门关上,弄得桌子上的报纸四处乱飞。

send sb packing/about his business撵(打发)某人走:He tried to borrow money from me again,but I soon sent him packing.他又想借钱,我把他打发走了。

send sb to Coventry(大家)不理(孤立)某人:The other workers have sent him to Coventry,because he supported the boss' point of view. 其余的工人都不和他说话,因为他支持老板的看法。

send away for (v adv prep)索(购)(vt):He sent away to one of the daily papers for a free fisherman's almanac.他向一报社发函,索取免费的渔民捕鱼年历。

send down (v adv) 1)开除,停学(vt)(通常pass):He was sent down from his university for taking drugs.他因吸毒被大学开除。2)处以徒刑,使坐牢(vt)(infml):be sent down for five years for robbery因为抢劫被处以五年徒刑;

send for (v prep)派人去叫(拿)来(vt):~for a doctor/a taxi/a packet of cigarettes派人去请医生/叫出租车/买一包香烟;

send in (v adv) 1)寄出(上)(vt):~in one's application交上申请;~in drawings (for the competition)寄出(参赛)绘画作品;~in the manuscript 寄出(参赛)手稿;Situation reports were sent in three times a day.形势分析报告一天提交三次。2)派某人处理局面(vt):The attack is not succeeding well;we shall have to~in more men.这次进攻还没完全成功,我们还得派去更多的人。

send off (v adv) 1)寄(发)出(vt):~a parcel/a letter/a telegram off寄出包裹/寄出信件/发出电报; 2)给……送行(vt):We went to the airport to~him off. 我们去机场为他送行。

send out (v adv) 1)发出(光亮等)(vt):The sun~s out light and heat.太阳发出光和热。2)生长出(嫩芽等):The plant is~ing out new leaves in spring. 植物在春天长出新叶。The tree is~ing out new shoots in spring. 树木在春天抽出新芽。

send up (v adv) 1)使上涨(升)(vt):The heavy demand for beef~s the price up.对牛肉的大量需求使其价格上扬。2)通过模仿取笑(讽刺)(vt):Don't~him up;he is easily embarrassed.别学他的样子嘲弄他,他很怕羞。

→′sender n 发送人;′send-off n 送行;′send-out n 发出量,输出量;′send-up n模仿取笑





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