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单词 decide
decide/dɪ′saɪd/ v [-d, -d/ ɪd/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1) 裁(判)决(determine or settle (a question doubt dispute issue or case give a judgement on sth) [I I+prep T+n T+n+prep]:The judge (court) will~(the case/the issue) soon. 法官(法庭)将很快作出裁决(裁决这案子/这争端)。The judge (court)~d against(for/in favour of)the defendant/plaintiff. 法官(法庭)作出不利(维护/有利)于被告/原告的判决。~the case/the issue against (in favour of) sb 就那案子/争端作出不利(有利)于某人的裁决;~between the two (materials)在两者(两种布料)之间作出抉择;He has~d about it. 他已就那事作出裁决。〖同〗settle, judge;

(2) 决定(心,意)(make up one's mind; resolve) [I I+prep(on/against),T+n T+that T+wh T+wh-inf T+to-inf]:It's for me to~. 这由我来决定。~against the journey/the plan/changing one's job/leaving 决定不去旅行/不实行那个计划/不换工作/不离开;~on this candidate/May 1st 选定这个候选人/5月1日;~on a new car/a plan of action/what dress to wear 决定买一辆新车/一个行动计划/穿什么衣服;~on going abroad决意出国;~about a date for a meeting 确定一个开会的日子;~the question/the matter/one's future/one's fate 决定那个问题/那件事情/某人的未来/某人的命运; Nothing is~d yet. 什么也没有定下来。~that one should go abroad/sb must leave决定出国/某人必须离开;~that it would be better to start at once认为最好马上开始;It has been~d that ... 已经决定了……~where one should go/who shall build the house决定应去何处/谁来建那座房子;~as to which is the best 决定哪一个最好;It is not~d where ... 没有决定在哪里……。~where to go/whom to invite 决定去何处/邀请谁;~to go abroad/to postpone one's departure/not to stay alone 决定出国/推迟动身/不单独停留;〖同〗determine, resolve, settle, choose; 〖反〗hesitate, waver;

(3) 决定,对……起决定作用((of events actions etc) have an important definite effect on sth; cause a particular result) [I+prep T+n T+wh]:I wanted to go to university, but circumstances~d otherwise. 我想上大学,可条件不允许。One blow~d the fight. 一拳定胜负。The last touchdown~d the game. 最后一个底线得分决定了比赛的结果。A chance meeting~d my career. 一次邂逅决定了我的生涯。This last game~d who is to be champion. 最后一场比赛决定了谁是冠军。It is fitness that decides the winner of a game. 是体质决定比赛的胜负。

(4) 使作决定(cause to make up one's mind) [T+n T+n+prep C+n+to-inf]:The new evidence~d him. 新的证据使他作出了决定。What finally~d you against going? 是什么最后使你决定不去了? What~d you to go? 是什么使你决定去? Your words/That/The news~d me(to postpone my departure). 你的话/那/那消息使我作出决定(推迟动身)。

→de′cider n 最后决定胜负的加赛;de-′cided adj 明确的,显然的,果断的,坚决的;de′cidedly adv 明确地;de′cisive adj 有决定作用的;果断的,坚决的,毫无疑问的;de′cisively adv 果断地,坚决地;de′ci-siveness n 果断;de′cision n;

【辨异】decidedetermineresolve都可表示 “决定”之意。decide指经考虑后作出决定;determine(决定,决心)指作出决定后坚决地朝既定目的努力,如;determine to maintain a position(决心保持一职位);resolve(决定,决心)强调坚定不移,如:resolve to ask for a promotion(决意要请求提升);还有make up one's mind,是 “打定主意”的意思,如:make up one's mind to leave(打定主意离开)。





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