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单词 appear
appear/ ə′pɪ ə, AmE -′pɪr/ vi [-ing /rɪ ŋ/]

(1)出现(come into sight;begin to be seen)[I]:As the fog cleared,big cliffs~ed ahead.雾散时,前面显现出巨大的悬崖。A man suddenly~ed round the corner/in the doorway.拐角处/门口突然出现一个人。~from behind the clouds/on the horizon/in the distance 从云后露出/出现在地平线上/出现在远处;(rash/spot)~on the body/the skin(皮疹/斑点)出现在身体上/皮肤上;Gradually a smile~ed on his face.他脸上慢慢露出笑容。〖同〗show,emerge;〖反〗disappear,vanish;

(2)到来,露面(arrive at or come to a certain place)[I]:The guest didn't~until ten.那客人10点才露面。She never~s before 9 o'clock.她从未在9点以前露过面。He~ed in time for dinner/at the party.他准时来吃饭/参加聚会。〖同〗turn up;

(3)公开露面,登台,出场(present oneself before the public)[I]:The famous artist is~ing in a new play/at the local theatre/in a TV series.那著名艺人即将在一出新戏/当地剧院/一个电视系列节目中露面。The singer didn't~because of illness.那位歌手因病未登台。

(4)出庭(受审)(present oneself officially before a judge)[I]:He had to~before the judge/in court.他不得不去法院受审/出庭。

(5)(律师)出庭(辩护)(perform duties as a lawyer in court)[II+prep(for)]:~for sb/the defendant 出庭为某人/被告辩护;~for the prosecution in court起诉;~for sb as his lawyer 给某人当辩护律师;

(6)出版,发表(be published)[I]:Her book/His latest novel/The first number will~next week.她的书/他最新的小说/第一期下周出版。His poem~ed for the first time in a magazine.他的诗第一次登在杂志上。The news/article~ed on the front page.那则新闻/那篇文章登在第一版上。

(7)可见到,存在(be found;exist)[I][不用prog]:The idea~s in many old magazines.这一思想在许多旧杂志中都能见到。The word~ed for the first time in the 15th century books.这个字最早出现在15世纪的书籍中。

(8)似乎,好像,显得(seem or look as if)[L+adjL+nI+prepII+to-inf][不用prog]:(old man)~well/energetic(老人)显得气色好/精力充沛;(story)~true故事像真的;(audience)~perplexed(听众)显得茫然;(street)~deserted(街道)显得空旷;He~s a fool.他显得像个傻瓜。It~s a true story.这似乎是个真实的故事。Everything~s (to be) in a muddle/in order.一切显得乱七八糟的/井井有条。He~s (to be) well/a fool.他显得气色很好/是个傻瓜。It~s (to me) that he is well/a fool.(It~s (to me) as if he is well/a fool.)(在我)看来他似乎气色好/是个傻瓜。He~ed to be talking to himself/have travelled a lot.他似乎是在自言自语/去过许多地方。There~ed to be nothing/to have been a misunderstanding.(It~ed that there was nothing/had been a misunderstanding.)似乎什么也没有/曾有误解。Things are not always as they~.事情并不总是像人们所想的那样。“Will he lose?” “It~s so.(It~s not./So it~s!)” “他会输吗? ”“看来会的(不会/是这样)。”〖同〗seem,look;

【辨异】appear seem look都可以表示“看起来好像”的意思。但appear指给人以某种印象(可能是错觉);而seem表示的判断含有真实性或可能性,如:It seems warmer today.这两个字含义有不同,但用法一样。look强调视觉印象,如:He looked frightened.其后不可像前两者一样接从句、so或not,也不可接各种不定式(仅可接to be)。

→ap′pearance n





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