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单词 毕其功于一役

毕其功于一役bì qí gōng yú yī yì

accomplish the whole task at one stroke; do sth at one stroke
❍ 但是还有另外一些人,他们似乎并无恶意,也迷惑于所谓 “一次革命论”,迷惑于所谓“举政治革命与社会革命~”的纯主观的想头; 而不知革命有阶段之分,只能由一个革命到另一个革命,无所谓“~”。(《毛泽东选集》646) But there are other people,apparently with no evil intentions,who are misled by the “theory of a single revolution”and the fanciful notion of “accomplishing both the political revolution and the social revolution at one stroke”; they do not understand that our revolution is divided into stages,that we can only proceed to the next stage of revolution after accomplishing the first,and that there is no such thing as “accomplishing both at one stroke”.


accomplish the whole task at one stroke;solve all the problems at a single stroke

毕其功于一役bì qī ɡōnɡ yú yī yì

一次行动就完成应分几次完成的任务。accomplish the whole task at one stroke, have several things done at one go, do sth. at one stroke





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