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单词 appoint
appoint/ ə′pɔ ɪnt/ vt [-ed -ed / ɪd/]

(1)任命,委派(name or assign to or choose for a job or position or office)[T+nT+n+prep(to),C+n +nC+n+prep(as),C+n+to-inf(be),C+n+to-inf]:~a new manager/a teacher/a cabinet member/a medical officer/Jackson 任命新经理/教师/内阁成员/医务官员/杰克逊;~sb to a post/to a position/to headmastership 任命某人担任一职务/一职位/校长职务;~a lawyer to the bench 任命一律师担任法官;~sb headmaster/manager/president of the club/secretary of state/chairman 任命某人为校长/经理/该俱乐部主席/国务大臣/主席;~sb as chairman/ambassador to France/one's deputy/one's representative/one's successor 任命某人为主席/驻法大使/自己的代理人/自己的代表/自己的接班人;~sb to be chairman/minister 任命某人为主席/部长;~sb to act as secretary/to catch the criminal 委派某人担任秘书/去抓罪犯;〖同〗name, assign,nominate;〖反〗discharge;

(2)委任(以组成)(set upmake or create sth by choosing members)[T+n]:~a committee 委任一个委员会;

(3)指(确,约,决)定(arrangesetfixagree on or decide on)[T+nT+n+prep(for)](fml):~the trial date 确定审讯日期;~a date/a time/a place for a meeting约定一个开会的日期/时间/地点;~a date/a day to have dinner together 约定一个日子见面/一起吃饭;~8 o'clock as the hour to begin/the square as the place for the meeting 约定8点为开始的时间/广场为见面地点;〖同〗 set,fix,determine,decide on,choose,settle,arrange;〖反〗cancel,change,rearrange;

(4)装饰(备)(furnish;equip)[T+n]:(decorator)~a new hotel with ultra-modern furnishings(装饰工)用超现代的陈设把一个新旅店装备起来;The room was ~ed with fine silver.房间里摆着精制的银器。〖同〗furnish,equip,provide,supply;

→appoin′tee n 被委任者;ap′pointed adj 被委任的;指(约)定的;͵ap′pointment n;






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