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单词 apology
apology/ ə′pɒlədʒi, AmE -′pɑ:l-/ n [-yies /z/ ]

(1)道歉(的话)(statement to say one is sorry for a faultcausing trouble or pain)[C] [N(to) (for)]:Please accept my humble/sincere~ies.请接受我的俯首/诚心道歉。be full of~ies 满怀歉意;demand an immediate~要求马上道歉;He made his~ies to me and left. 他向我表示道歉后离开了。accept sb's~ies for being late 接受某人因为迟到而道歉;make one's~ies for not attending/breaking a glass 为没有出席/打破了一只杯子而道歉;offer sb an~for not arriving on time 因到晚了向某人道歉;owe sb an~for one's rudeness 因为自己的粗鲁应向某人道歉;send sb a letter of~给某人寄一封致歉信;

(2)辩护(defence or explanation in speech or writing as for a beliefcause or ideaetc)[C](fml):The writer's autobiography was really an~for the way he had lived.那位作家的自传实际上是对他自己所走过的道路的辩白.“A~for Poetry”(雪莱)《诗辩》;an~for capital punishment/the Christian religion为死刑/基督教辩护;〖同〗explanation,justification,defence,excuse;

(3)次等品,极差的替代物(very poor and not really acceptable replacement of sth)[C](infml):The raft was a sad~for a boat.这木筏权且充当了船只。The girl was wearing an~for a bathing dress.那女孩穿着一件随便的衣服当泳衣。a wretched~for a meal 一顿好歹凑合的饭;

→ a͵polo′getic adj 抱(道)歉;歉疚的;a͵polo′getically adv 抱(道)歉地;a͵polo′getics n 辩护术;a′pologist n 辩护士;a′pologise,-ize vi;

【辨异】apologyexcuse都表示对过错的解释。但 apology是承认错误并表示道歉;excuse则含有企望不受惩罚和斥责的意思,译为“辩解,借口”。





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