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单词 apart
apart/ ə′pɑ:t, AmE -′pɑ:rt / adv [无comp];adj

adv(1)相隔(距)(to or at a distance from each other;separately):The two towers are/stood one mile~(from each other). 那两座塔相距一英里。The tower is/stood one mile~from the other.这塔距那塔一英里。He lives~from his wife.(He and his wife live~.)他与妻子分居。can't bear to be~无法忍受分离;Our birthdays are three days~.我们的生日相隔三天。plant the trees two meters/wide~把树种得相距两米/很宽;〖同〗separately;〖反〗near,together;

(2)分(隔……)开(in or into a state of separation (from each other separately):see/keep two boys (things)~看见/使两个男孩(东西)不在一起;look at sb with one's lips~张着嘴注视某人;stand with one's feet~双脚分开站着;pull/push/cut/get the curtains~把窗帘拉/推/剪/打开;pull the fighting dogs~把打架的狗拽开;put(set)sb/sth~from others使某人鹤立鸡群/使某物和其他东西分开;

(3)到(在)一边(to or on one sideesp for a certain purpose):took sb~to have a private talk把某人叫到一边个别说话;set some money~for a holiday存钱为度假用;The shy child sat/kept himself~from the other children.那个腼腆的小孩离开别的小孩坐在一边/不和别的小孩交往。keep~from the group 不合群;〖同〗aside,alone;

(4)破碎(into pieces or parts):tear a cooked chicken~把一只做熟的鸡撕碎;take a watch/a machine/an engine~把表/机器/发动机拆开;fall~from decay 因腐蚀而碎开;The car/cup came(fell)~.车子散了架/杯子碎了。Our marriage began to fall~.我们的婚姻开始破裂。The jacket is coming~at the seams.夹克开线了。take sb's essay/sb~尖锐批评某人的文章/某人;〖同〗together ;

(5)除外(not considered or included;except for):A few little things~, the party was a great success.除了一点无足轻重的小事外,聚会很成功。Joking~, what do you think? 玩笑归玩笑,你是怎么想的?

apart from(AmE:aside from)(prep)1)除……之外:He has no interests,~from his work.除了工作,他没有什么别的爱好。A~from his temper,he is all right. 除了脾气不好外,他不错。2)除……之外(还):A~from the expense,it would be inconvenient.除了费用的问题外,这还可能不方便。

tell/know...apart 辨别:He just couldn't tell the twins~.他简直分辨不出这对孪生子了。

adj(1)不同的,有差距(异)的(different;unlike;separate from)[作pred]:He is a man~from all others.他是一个与众不同的人。The book is~from the rest. 这本书和其他的不同。The two cities are too far~.这两个城市太不一样。They are very far~in needs.他们的需求大不相同。

(2)意见很不一致的(holding very different opinions;divided)[作pred]:Their views(ideas) are wide/far/worlds/poles~.他们的观点(想法)非常/很/完全/极其不一致。They are very far~in ideas.他们的想法很不一致。The two parties' policies are far~.这两个党的政策差别甚大。





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