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单词 tap
tap1/tæp/ n vt [-pp-]

n (1)水龙头,活嘴(any of several types of device for controlling the flow of liquid or gas from a pipecontaineretc)[C]:the gas~煤气开关;hot and cold~s on a basin/a bath 洗脸盆/浴缸上的冷热水龙头;turn the~on/off 打开/关上龙头;fit a~to the beer barrel 给啤酒桶上装一个龙头;Don't leave the~s running. 不要让水龙头开着。~-water 自来水;~-root 植物的主根;

(2)窃听(act or an instance of wire tapping)[C]:put a~on sb's phone 搭线窃听某人的电话谈话;

vt (1)从……放(取)出……(get liquid from(a barreletc) by piercing it or opening a tap)[T+nT+n+adv(off),T+n+prep(from)]:~a cask of cider/a new keg of beer/the barrel of beer 取一桶苹果酒/新取一小桶啤酒/从桶中取啤酒;~off some cider 拧开桶的龙头取些苹果酒;~cider from a cask 拧开酒桶龙头取苹果酒;

(2)(切割树皮)得到……树液,汲取树液(get liquid from the trunk of (a tree) and collect)[T+n]:~rubber trees 割橡胶树取胶;Sugar maples are~ped when the sap begins to flow. 当槭糖树所含糖液饱满时,人们便割树取其糖液。

(3)开发,利用(start using (a sourcesupplyetc))[T+nT+n+prep (for)]:The country (nation) must~new sources of energy/its people's best brains/vast mineral wealth. 国家必须开发新的能源/利用国民最优秀的智力资源/开发大量矿物资源。new ways of~ping the skills of young people 开发青年人技术的新途径;~one's resources 利用自己的资源;~sb for money/a loan向某人要钱/要贷款;

(4)安装窃听装置,在电话线上接线窃听(attach a device to (sb's telephone wires) in order to be able to listen to their telephone conversation)[T+n]:I think/suspect that my phone is being~ped. 我认为/怀疑有人在窃听我的电话。

on tap 1)(指啤酒)装在有龙头桶中的;取自酒桶的:beer on~可随时取用的啤酒; 2)现成的,随用随有的:information/extra personnel on~现成的资料/额外人员;By the way you buy new clothes you'd think we had money on~. 你那样随意买新衣服,你以为我们的钱像水龙头里的水一样(源源不绝)呀。





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