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单词 tape
tape/teɪp/ nvt [-d,-d /t/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)窄条,带子(用于捆东西或做标签用)((piece of a) narrow strip or band of cloth used for tying or a labeletc)[CU]:a parcel/bundle of letter tied (up) with a piece of fancy~用一条花哨的带子捆着的包裹/信札;sew a piece of~round the neck of the shirt(to strengthen it)/on to the mattress cover 在衬衣的衣领处缝上一条布(以加强领子的硬度)/在垫子的罩套上缝一条布带;The seat covers are held in place by~s. 罩套是用带子系在座位上的。three yards of linen~三码亚麻布带子;

(2)(跑道终点的)拉线(string stretched across the finish line of a race)[C]:break/reach the~冲破/到达终点(线);

(3)胶带(条)(narrow strip of paper or other flexible material used for sticking materials together)[U]:sticky/insulating/adhesive~黏性胶带/绝缘胶布/粘胶带(橡皮膏);

(4)录音(像)带,磁带(particular strip of tape on which sth is recorded)[CU]:The teacher played a~of the show for the class. 老师给班里放了那场演出的录音。The producer saw a~of the film before it was actually broadcast. 公演之前,制片人看了电影的录像带。make a~of sb's conversation 将某人的谈话录下来;listen to (hear) some~s of the Beetles/sb's songs 听甲壳虫乐队/某人唱歌的录音带;seize various books and~s 查获了各种各样的书籍和录音带;record the concert/interview on~把音乐会/采访内容录在磁带上;get all the Beethoven symphonies on~弄到全套贝多芬交响乐的录音带;~machine/player/deck 磁带录音机/磁带录音机的放音装置/(高保真音响系统的)录音机;~worm 绦虫;~-measure/-recorder/-recording 卷尺/录音(像)机/磁带录音(像);

vt (1)用带子、窄条捆(扎、系)(fastenwrap or bind with tape)[T+nT+n+adv(up)]:~a bow on a package 在包装上系个蝴蝶结;Her hands were tied and her mouth~d with adhesive plaster. 她的手被捆着,嘴用橡皮膏封了起来。~all the presents up 用带子把所有的礼物捆好;~up a sprained wrist/the wound 包扎好扭伤的手腕/伤口;

(2)用磁带录音(像)(record sth on tape)[T+n]:~an interview/a television program/a concert/sb's speech/the proceedings (at the opening of the exhibition) on one's tape recorder 在录音(像)机上录下采访的内容/电视节目/音乐会/某人的演讲/(展览会上开幕式的)进程;

have (got) sb/sth taped 了解清楚……,能掌握(控制)……:I'm to start a new job next month — I've got it all~d. 下个月我就要开始新的工作了,这项工作我已经全了解清楚了。





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