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单词 talk
talk/tɔ:k/ n & v

n (1)交(会)谈 (act of speaking;conversation)[C]:have a little/long~with sb about sth 就某事和某人谈了一会儿/很长时间;a serious/peace~认真交谈/和平会谈;hold disarmament~s 举行裁军会谈;have several~s on the economic problems of the two countries 就两国的经济问题进行了几轮商谈;〖同〗dialogue,discussion;

(2)报告,演讲(informal speech or lecture)[C][N(on/about)]:give a~on art/politics/family health 做有关艺术/政治/家庭保健的报告;an inspiring~令人鼓舞的演讲;〖同〗speech,lecture,address;

(3)说话的方式(particular manner of speech)[U]:plain/lisping~普通话/口齿不清的话语;baby-~ 儿语;〖同〗language,dialect,idiom;

(4) 1)空谈(mere empty speech;useless discussion)[U]:much~and no action 太多的空话却没有行动;His threats were just~. 他的威胁仅仅是空谈而已。be all~只会说空话; 2)谣言(any rumour or speculation concerning sth)[U]:There is a lot of~about closing the office/his behaviour/the President resigning. 有许多关于公司倒闭/他的行为/总统辞职的谣言。be theof the town 成为街头巷尾人们谈论的话题;〖同〗gossip,rumour,word;

v (1)谈话,谈论(communicate or exchange ideasinformationetc by speaking)[II+prep(to/with)(about/of)]:~seriously/for an hour 认真地交谈/谈了一个小时;~by using signs 用手语交谈;~to (with) a friend/sb's parents和一个朋友/某人的父母交谈;~about sb's behavior/poetry/going to America 谈某人的行为/诗歌/去美国的事;~of the bitterness of the past/of writing a play for children/of applying for another job 谈到过去的苦/要写一部儿童剧/要申请另外一个工作;〖同〗discuss,speak,chat;〖反〗listen;

(2) 1)讨论,磋商(discuss;speak about)[T+n]:~philosophy/music/business 讨论哲学/音乐/谈生意;~sth with the doctor/the adviser/the lawyer和医生/顾问/律师磋商某事;〖同〗speak,consult,negotiate; 2)讲(express in a spoken form)[T+n]:~sense/nonsense/rubbish/a bit of shop 讲得有道理/讲得没道理/说废话/谈一点本行;〖同〗speak,say,utter,state,declare;

(3)讲某种语言(use specified language or idiom in speaking)[T+n]:~French/Spanish together 一起讲法语/西班牙语;Everyone at the party~ed English. 晚会上的每个人都讲英语。

(4)讲闲话(spread a rumor)[I]:You can't stay here—people will~! 你别待在这儿,别人会讲闲话的。not to do anything that makes people~不做让别人说闲话的事情;

(5)有说话的能力(have the power of speaking)[I]:The baby can learn to~,but cats can't. 婴儿能学会说话,猫不能。〖同〗speak;

(6)因讲话陷入某种状态(bringputinfluenceetc by talk)[C+n+adj]:~oneself hoarse/a person sleepy 讲得自己声音嘶哑/某人打瞌睡;

(7)供认,说出情况(give informationusu after being beaten or threatenedwhich one wanted to keep secret)[I]:persuade the prisoner/the suspect to~劝囚犯/犯罪嫌疑人供认;refuse to~拒绝说出情况;

talk back (v adv)顶嘴(vi):a saucy child who~ed back to his parents/his teachers一个和父母/老师顶嘴的无礼的孩子;

talk down (v adv)驳倒(vt):Don't worry,our next speaker is very experienced and will easily~the opponents down. 不要担心,我们下一位发言者非常有经验,会很容易把对方驳倒的。

talk into (v prep)说服某人做某事(vt):~sb into agreement/staying/changing the job 劝某人同意/留下来/换一个工作;

talk out of (v adv prep)说服某人不做某事(vt):~sb out of a decision/quitting school 劝某人改变决定/不要退学;

talk over (v adv)商量(vt):Come and see me in my office and we'll~it over. 请到办公室来见我,我们一起商量一下这件事。

talk up (v adv) 1)大声说(vi):~up a bit 大点声说; 2)坦率地讲:If you thought that wasn't fair,why didn't you~up? 如果你认为那不公平,为什么不坦率地说出来呢?

→′talkative adj 多话的,喜欢说话的;′talkativeness n 健谈;′talker n 说话的人;只说不干的人;′talking-point n 话题;′talking-to n 斥责,训斥,责备;

【用法】 1)talk to和talk with 意思基本一样,稍有区别。talk to sb 往往指的是“和……谈话”,从一方的角度去和别人谈某事,如:The teacher should~to your father about your behavior.(老师应该找你的父母谈谈你的表现。)而talk with sb 指的是双方或更多的人互相讨论某事,如:~with a friend(和朋友交谈)。2)talk about和talk of 意思基本一样,但强调谈某事或某人时,一般用talk about,如:~about one's holidays/one's job(谈自己的假期/工作)。而强调谈到或谈起某事时,一般用talk of,如:~of retiring at the end of the year(谈到年底退休的事)。3)talk 可以做[C]名词,也可做[U]名词。作可数名词时,可作“非正式的演说”讲;用作可数名词的复数时,是正式用法,表示“会谈”,如:hold peace~s (举行和平谈判)。作不可数名词时,是表示“说话”动作的最普通的词。

【辨异】 1)talk sayspeaktell的区别见SAY。2)talk conversationdiscussiongossip的区别见CONVERSATION。





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