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单词 puritan
释义 puritan /'pjuantan; 'pjuratn/ n 1 P~, (16th and 17th cc, in England) member of a division of the Protestant Church which wanted simpler forms of church ceremony. (十六世纪和十七世纪在英国的) 淸敎徒 (为基督新敎之一派,主张较单纯之宗敎仪式) 。 2 person who is strict in morals and religion, who looks upon fun and pleasure as sinful, and who believes that all people should work hard always. 道德与宗敎观念严格着 (视享乐为罪恶,并主张人类应永远辛苦工作) 。 adj of or like a P~ or a ~. 淸教徒的; 似淸敎徒的; 道德及宗敎观念严格 (之人) 的。 ~ism /-izam; -Zizam/ n practices and beliefs of a P~ or a ~. 淸敎徒之习俗及敎义; 严格的道德及宗敎观念。 puritanical /juan'taenikl; /pjura'taenikl/ adj very strict and severe, like a ~. 在道德及宗敎方面严擀的; 严谨的。 puritanically /-kli; -k!i/ adv




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