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单词 覆巢无完卵

覆巢无完卵复巢无完卵fù cháo wú wán luǎn

all the eggs would be broken if the nest should be upset; when the nest is overturned no egg stays unbroken—in a great disaster no one can escape unscathed/“覆巢之下安得完卵”这句话你不知道吗?(杨沫《青春之歌》204) Don’t you know the proverb: “No egg stays unbroken when the nest is upset”?/大人岂见覆巢之下复有完卵乎?(刘义庆《世说新语·言语》)Father,would you expect to find any unbroken eggs under an overturned nest?/二子曰:“破巢之下,安有完卵乎?”言未已,廷尉又至,尽收融家小并二子,皆斩之。(《三国演义》348) The youths replied,“When the nest is pulled down are the eggs left unbroken?” Even at that moment the same officer came and carried off the whole household. The two youths were beheaded.

覆巢无完卵fù cháo wú wán luǎn

覆巢:捣翻的鸟窝;卵:蛋。捣翻的鸟窝没有完整的鸟蛋。比喻整体覆灭,个体不能幸免。the nest is upset, No egg stays unbroken when the nest is overturned. If a country is beaten, all it’s people will suffer.





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